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(Genera included)
Line 543: Line 543:
'''[[Myopothrips]]''' Priesner, 1940
'''[[Myopothrips]]''' Priesner, 1940
'''[[Myrciathrips]]''' Cavalleri Lindner & Mendonça, 2016
'''[[Myrciathrips]]''' Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonça, 2016
'''[[Mystrothrips]]''' Priesner, 1949
'''[[Mystrothrips]]''' Priesner, 1949
Line 550: Line 550:
'''[[Nagathrips]]''' Varatharajan & Singh, 2000
'''[[Nagathrips]]''' Varatharajan & Singh, 2000
'''[[Nazonothrips]]''' Okajima & Masumoto, 2022
'''[[† Necrothrips]]''' Priesner, 1924
'''[[† Necrothrips]]''' Priesner, 1924

Latest revision as of 19:38, 19 October 2022

Subfamily information

Various attempts have been made to recognise subgroups within this large and complex subfamily (Priesner, 1960; Bhatti, 1992), however there is little phylogenetic evidence to support most of these subgroups (Buckman et al., 2013). Several evolutionary patterns were recognised by Stannard (1957), and based on these ideas Mound & Marullo (1996) recognised three informal "lineages". The "Haplothrips-lineage" is now considered the Tribe Haplothripini (Mound & Minaei, 2007), but the "Liothrips-lineage" of leaf-feeding species, and the "Phlaeothrips-lineage" of fungus-feeding species, remain weakly defined.

The following family-group names have been proposed for particular groups of species within the Phlaeothripinae:

Adurothripidae Bhatti, 1998:152 [for Adurothrips]

Aleurodothripidae Bhatti, 1998:152 [for Aleurodothrips]

Andrethripidae Bhatti 1992:142 [for Andrethrips]

Chirothripoididae Bhatti 1998:152 [for Chirothripoides]

Habrothripidae Bhatti 1998:152 [for Habrothrips; Octurothrips]

Hyidiothripidae Hood 1938:413 (Bhatti 1992:143) [for Crinitothrips; Hyidiothrips; Machadonia; Preeriella; Smicrothrips]

Idiothripidae Bhatti 1998:252 [for Idiothrips]

Lonchothripidae Bhatti 1988:200 [for Lonchothrips]

Murphythripidae Bhatti 1992:147 [for Murphythrips]

Urothripidae Bagnall 1909:126 (Bhatti 1992:152) [for Amphibolothrips; Ananthakrishnaniella; Baenothrips; Bebelothrips; Biconothrips; Bradythrips; Conocephalothrips; Coxothrips; Stephanothrips; Trachythrips; Urothrips]

Xaniothripidae Bhatti 1992:153 [for Xaniothrips]

Click to see a list of the 375 extant Phlaeothripinae genera.

Click to see a list of the 10 fossil Phlaeothripinae genera.

Click to see a list of the 3,075 extant Phlaeothripinae species.

Click to see a list of the 20 fossil Phlaeothripinae species.


Bhatti JS (1988) The orders Terebrantia and Tubulifera of the superorder Thysanoptera (Insecta). A Critical Appraisal. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 167-240.

Bhatti JS (1992) The Order Tubulifera (Insecta): Its characters and classification into families. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 127-162.

Bhatti JS (1998) New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 1. Amalgamation of labro-maxillary complex with cranium and other cephalic structures. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 147-176.

Bhatti JS (1998) New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 2. Thoracic structures. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 177-252.

Buckman RS, Mound LA & Whiting MF (2013) Phylogeny of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) based on five molecular loci. Systematic Entomology 38: 123–133. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-3113.2012.00650.x/pdf

Dang LH, Mound LA & Qiao GX (2014) Conspectus of the Phlaeothripinae genera from China and Southeast Asia (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Zootaxa 3807: 001-082.

Mound LA & Marullo R (1996) The Thrips of Central and South America: An Introduction. Memoirs on Entomology, International 6: 1-488.

Mound LA & Minaei K (2007) Australian insects of the Haplothrips lineage (Thysanoptera – Phlaeothripinae). Journal of Natural History 41: 2919-2978.

Priesner H (1960) Das System der Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Anzeiger mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (1960) 13: 283-296.

Stannard LJ (1957) The phylogeny and classification of the North American genera of the sub-order Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Illinois Biological Monographs 25: 1-200.

Genera included


Ablemothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Acaciothrips Priesner, 1965

Acanthothrips Uzel, 1895

Aclystothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Acrosothrips Stannard, 1963

Adamantothrips Stannard, 1960

Adelphothrips Priesner, 1953

Adraneothrips Hood, 1925

Adrothrips Moulton, 1942

Adurothrips Mound, 1994

Advenathrips Morris, Mound & Schwarz, 2000

Aeglothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Aesthetothrips Hood, 1954

Afrothrips Bournier, 1970

Agnostochthona Kirkaldy, 1907

Agrothrips Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939

Agynaikothrips Okajima, 2006

Ahamothrips Kumar, Tyagi & Bhatti, 2007

Akainothrips Mound, 1971

Akarethrips Dang, Mound & Qio, 2014

Akthethrips Mound, 1970

Alerothrips Bhatti, 1995

Aleurodothrips Franklin, 1909

Alloiothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964

Alocothrips Priesner, 1952

Amothrips Priesner, 1939

Amphibolothrips Buffa, 1909

Amynothrips O'Neill, 1968

Ananthakrishnana Bhatti, 1967

Ananthakrishnanothrips Bournier, 1985

Andrethrips Mound, 1974

Androthrips Karny, 1911

Apelaunothrips Karny, 1925

Aphlothrips Tyagi & Kumar, 2006

Apostlethrips Mound & Minaei, 2006

Apterygothrips Priesner, 1933

Araeothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1976

Argothrips Mound & Tree, 2017

Arrhenothrips Hood, 1919

Asemothrips Hood, 1919

Asianthrips Okajima, 2006

Athlibothrips Priesner, 1952

Aulothrips Priesner, 1950

Austrothrips Brethes, 1915

Ayyarothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Azaleothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964


Baenothrips Crawford, 1948

Bagnalliella Karny, 1920

Bamboosiella Ananthakrishnan, 1957

Bangithrips Mound & Ng, 2018

Bebelothrips Buffa, 1909

Blepharidothrips Hood, 1952

Bocathrips Goldarazena, 2010

Boothrips Priesner, 1949

Brachythrips Reuter, 1899

Bradythrips Hood & Williams, 1925

Brakothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Buffettithrips Mound & Wells, 2015

Bunothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Byctothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1973


Calamothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1967

Callithrips Bournier, 1969

Callococcithrips Mound & Wells, 2007

Carathrips Hood, 1938

Carcinothrips Moulton, 1929

Carissothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964

Carius Faure, 1961

Cartomothrips Stannard, 1962

Cecidothrips Kieffer, 1908

Cephalothrips Uzel, 1895

† Cephenothrips Priesner, 1929

Chaetokarnyia Priesner, 1952

Chalepothrips Priesner, 1968

Chamaeothrips Hood, 1954

Chelaeothrips Karny, 1923

Chiraplothrips Priesner, 1931

Chiridothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939

Chiridurothrips Okajima, 1981

Chirothripoides Bagnall, 1915

Chlarathrips Ananthakrishnan, 1967

Choleothrips Moulton, 1927

Chorithrips Hood, 1957

Chortothrips Hood, 1957

Chromatothrips Schmutz, 1913

Chthonothrips Hood, 1957

Claustrothrips Bournier, 1994

Conocephalothrips Bianchi, 1946

Corroboreethrips Mound & Moritz, 2000

Corycidothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Coryphothrips Karny, 1923

Covidthrips Mound, 2020

Craniothrips Bagnall, 1915

Crespithrips Mound & Morris, 2000

Crinitothrips Okajima, 1978

Crotonothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1968

Csirothrips Mound, 1971


Dactylothrips Bagnall, 1923

Deplorothrips Mound & Walker, 1986

Dexiothrips Hartwig, 1952

Dimorphothrips Bagnall, 1928

Diphyothrips Stannard, 1963

Dixothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Docessissophothrips Bagnall, 1908

Dolicholepta Priesner, 1932

Dolichothrips Karny, 1912

Domatiathrips Mound, 1993

Domeothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Dopothrips Bhatti, 1995

Drypetothrips Mound & Wells, 2020

Dunatothrips Moulton, 1942

Dyscolothrips Mamet, 1967


Ecacanthothrips Bagnall, 1909

Eilapinothrips Mound & Tree, 2021

Enigmathrips Mound, Tree & Wells, 2022

Eothrips Hood, 1915

Eparsothrips zur Strassen, 1968

Epiliothrips Priesner, 1965

Epomisothrips Hood, 1954

Eschatothrips Stannard, 1955

Eugynothrips Priesner, 1926

Eumorphothrips Schmutz, 1913

Euoplothrips Hood, 1918

Eupathithrips Bagnall, 1908

Eurhynchothrips Bagnall, 1918

Euryaplothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931

Eurynothrips Bagnall, 1908

Eurythrips Hinds, 1902

Eurytrichothrips Priesner, 1920


Fourbethrips Soto-Rodriguez, Nishida & Retana-Salazar, 2012


Gabonothrips Bournier, 1970

Gemmathrips Reyes, 1994

Gigantothrips Zimmermann, 1900

Giraultithrips Mound & Tree, 2014

Glaridothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Glenothrips Priesner, 1921

Glubothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Gluphothrips Moulton, 1944

Glyptothrips Hood, 1912

Gnophothrips Hood & Williams, 1915

Godoythrips Mound & Marullo, 1996

Gomphiothrips Moulton, 1933

Goniothrips Hood, 1927

Grypothrips Karny, 1924

Gymnothrips Karny, 1911

Gynaikothrips Zimmermann, 1900


Habrothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1968

Hadothrips Priesner, 1925

Halothrips Bournier, 1962

Hansonthrips Mound & Marullo, 1996

Hapedothrips Bhatti, 1995

Hapelothrips zur Strassen, 1972

Haplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843

Hapsidothrips Mamet, 1967

Heligmothrips Mound, 1970

Heliothripoides Okajima, 1987

Heptadikothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Hexadikothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Hindsiothrips Stannard, 1958

Hiplothrips Dyadechko, 1964

Holcothrips Hood, 1954

Holoengythrips Mound & Tree, 2014

Holopothrips Hood, 1914

Holothrips Karny, 1911

Hoodiana Faure, 1933

Hoplandrothrips Hood, 1912

Hoplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843

Horistothrips Morgan, 1913

Hyidiothrips Hood, 1938


Idiothrips Faure, 1933

Iniothrips John, 1922

Iotatubothrips Mound & Crespi, 1992

Isotrichothrips Priesner, 1968


Jacobothrips zur Strassen, 1966

Jacotia Faure, 1940

Jennythrips Bhatti, 1993

Jersonithrips Retana & Nishida, 2007

Johansenthrips Retana & Soto, 2008


Karnyothrips Watson, 1923

Katothrips Mound, 1971

Kellyia Bagnall, 1928

† Kilkuyrukus Ozdikmen, 2008

Kladothrips Froggatt, 1906

Klambothrips Mound & Morris, 2007

Kochummania Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Koptothrips Bagnall, 1929

Kremnothrips Mound & Tree, 2017


Leeuwenia Karny, 1912

Leichhardtithrips Tree & Mound, 2013

Leptoliothrips Moulton, 1927

Leptothrips Hood, 1909

Lichanothrips Mound, 1971

Liophloeothrips Priesner, 1919

Liothrips Uzel, 1895

† Liotrichothrips Bagnall, 1929

Lispothrips Reuter, 1899

Lissothrips Hood, 1908

Litotetothrips Priesner, 1929

Lizalothrips Okajima, 1984

Logadothrips Priesner, 1929

Lonchothrips Hood, 1957

Lygothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964


Macrophthalmothrips Karny, 1922

Majerthrips Mound & Minaei, 2006

Malacothrips Hinds, 1902

Mallothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1928

Manothrips Priesner, 1953

Margaritothrips Priesner, 1932

Mastigothrips Priesner, 1932

Mathetithrips Moulton, 1939

Matilethrips Bournier & Bournier, 1979

Maurithrips Mamet, 1967

Maxillata Faure, 1949

Maxillithrips Bhatti, 1978

Medogothrips Han, 1988

Megeugynothrips Priesner, 1929

Menothrips Hood, 1957

Mesandrothrips Priesner, 1933

Mesicothrips Priesner, 1952

Mesothrips Zimmermann, 1900

Metriothrips Hood, 1936

Microdontothrips Okajima, 2006

Mimothrips Priesner, 1949

Mirothrips Cavalleri, Souza, Prezotto & Mound, 2013

Mixothrips Stannard, 1968

Moultonides Kevin, 1963

Murphythrips Mound & Palmer, 1983

Mutothrips Ananthakrishnan & Swaminathan, 1980

Myopothrips Priesner, 1940

Myrciathrips Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonça, 2016

Mystrothrips Priesner, 1949


Nagathrips Varatharajan & Singh, 2000

Nazonothrips Okajima & Masumoto, 2022

† Necrothrips Priesner, 1924

Neocecidothrips Bagnall, 1929

Neodixothrips Sen & Muraleedharan, 1976

Neoheegeria Schmutz, 1909

Neohoodiella Bournier, 1997

Neothrips Hood, 1908

Neurothrips Hood, 1924


Ocnothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Octurothrips Priesner, 1931

Ocythrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Oidanothrips Moulton, 1944

Okajimathrips Bhatti, 1992

Opidnothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1971

Orthothrips Priesner, 1925

Ostlingothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004


Pachyliothrips Okajima, 2006

Panceratothrips Bagnall, 1936

Panoplothrips Moulton, 1968

Parabaphothrips Moulton, 1949

Paracholeothrips Moulton, 1968

† Parahoplothrips Schlephake, 2003

Paramystrothrips Bournier, 1971

Parateuchothrips Moulton, 1944

Pedoeothrips Hood, 1954

Pegothrips Sen & Muraleedharan, 1977

Pentagonothrips Haga & Okajima, 1979

Phaenothrips Priesner, 1968

Phallothrips Mound & Crespi, 1992

Pharothrips Mound & Wells, 2020

Phasmothrips Priesner, 1933

P continued

Phenothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1967

Phiarothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1968

Philothrips Priesner, 1939

Phlaeothrips Haliday, 1836

Phorinothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1968

Phylladothrips Priesner, 1933

Pistillothrips Johansen, 1982

Plagiothrips Priesner, 1968

Plectrothrips Hood, 1908

Pleurothrips Hood, 1957

Plicothrips Bhatti, 1979

Pnigmothrips Priesner, 1953

Podothrips Hood, 1913

Poecilothrips Uzel, 1895

† Polygonothrips Schliephake, 1999

Pongola zur Strassen, 1959

Ponticulothrips Haga & Okajima, 1983

Porcothrips Priesner, 1951

Praeciputhrips Reyes, 1994

Praepodothrips Priesner & Seshadri, 1953

Preeriella Hood, 1939

Priesneria Bagnall, 1926

Priesnerothrips Hood, 1954

Pristothrips Hood, 1925

† Prohaplothrips Schliephake, 2000

† Proleeuwenia Priesner, 1924

Propealiothrips Reyes, 1994

Propesolomonthrips Reyes, 1994

Prosantothrips Priesner, 1952

† Protolispothrips Schliephake, 2001

Psalidothrips Priesner, 1932

Pselaphothrips Hood, 1916

Psenothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1968

Psephenothrips Reyes, 1994

Pseudophilothrips Johansen, 1979

Pueblothrips Stannard, 1950

Pygmaeothrips Karny, 1920

Pyknothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1964


Ramakrishnaiella Karny, 1927

Retiothrips Bournier, 1994

Rhaptothrips Crawford, 1909

Rhinoceps Faure, 1949

Rhopalothripoides Bagnall, 1929

Rosingothrips Reyes, 1994


Sacothrips Moulton, 1968

Sagenothrips Priesner, 1933

Sakimurella Bhatti, 1999

Salothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1976

Sartrithrips Mound & Morris, 2001

Scelothrips Priesner, 1952

Schazothrips Hood, 1957

Schedothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1969

Schwarzithrips Mound & Morris, 2000

Scopaeothrips Hood, 1912

Sedulothrips Bagnall, 1915

Senarioliothrips Johansen, 1981 (1979)

Senegathrips Bournier, 1971

Senithrips Mound & Minaei, 2006

Sinuothrips Collins, 2001

Smicrothrips Hood, 1952

Socothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Solomonthrips Mound, 1970

Sophikothrips Mound, 1970

Sophiothrips Hood, 1934

Sphingothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972

Spilothrips Moulton, 1942

Stannardiana Ananthakrishnan, 1964

Stannardothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1965

Stegothrips Hood, 1934

Stenocephalothrips Johansen, 1982

Stephanothrips Trybom, 1913

Stictothrips Hood, 1925

Stomothrips Okajima, 2000

Strassenia Faure, 1959

Strepterothrips Hood, 1934

Streptothrips Priesner, 1932

† Sucinothrips Schliephake, 1999

Sumatrothrips Priesner, 1952

Sunaitiothrips Moulton, 1942

Suocerathrips Mound & Marullo, 1994

Symphyothrips Hood & Williams, 1915

Synergothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1972


Talitha Faure, 1958

Tamilthrips Bhatti, 1995

Temenothrips Okajima & Urushihara, 1992

Terthrothrips Karny, 1925

Tetracanthothrips Bagnall, 1915

Tetradothrips Priesner, 1952

Tetragonothrips Moulton, 1940

Teuchothrips Hood, 1919

Thaumatothrips Karny, 1922

Thilakothrips Ramakrishna, 1928

Thlibothrips Priesner, 1952

Thorybothrips Priesner, 1924

Tolmetothrips Priesner, 1953

Torvothrips Johansen, 1979

Trachythrips Hood, 1930

Tragothrips Pelikan, 2001

Treherniella Watson, 1924

Triadothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Trichinothrips Bagnall, 1929

Tropothrips Hood, 1949

Truncatothrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Trybomia Karny, 1911

Trypanothrips Hood, 1957

Tumidothrips Pelikan, 2004

Turmathrips Crespi, Morris & Mound, 2004

Tylothrips Hood, 1937


Urothrips Bagnall, 1909


Veerabahuthrips Ramakrishna, 1932

Vicinothrips Mound & Morris, 2000

Vuilletia Karny, 1923


Walkerthrips Bhatti, 1995

Warithrips Mound, 1971

† Weitschatithrips Schliephake, 2003

Williamsiella Hood, 1925


Xaniothrips Mound, 1971

Xeroleptothrips Johansen, 1982

Xiphidiothrips Priesner, 1951

Xyelethrips Mound, 1970

Xylaplothrips Priesner, 1928

Xyloplothrips Bournier & Bournier, 1986


Yarnkothrips Mound & Walker, 1986


Zaliothrips Hood, 1938

Zelotothrips Priesner, 1952

Zemiathrips Mound, 2002

Zuluiella Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939