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Apterous Hoplothrips corticis image by Manfred Ulitzka

Genus information

Hoplothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843: 640. Type species Thrips corticis De Geer 1773, by subsequent designation of Karny, 1912: 323.

Trichothrips Uzel, 1895:246. Type species Phloeothrips pedicularia Haliday 1836, by subsequent designation of Hood, 1915: 106. Synonymised by Stannard, 1957: 70.

Dolerothrips Bagnall, 1910: 682. Type species Dolerothrips flavipes Bagnall, 1910, by original designation. Synonymised by Hood, 1915: 105.

Neoeurhynchothrips Watson, 1923: 77. Type species Neoeurhynchothrips cubensis Watson, 1923, by monotypy. Synonymised by Stannard, 1957: 70.

Hoplothrips (Odontoplothrips) Priesner, 1928: 67. Type species Trichothrips calcaratus Hood 1925, by monotypy. Synonym by Moulton, 1933.

Chortothrips Priesner, 1964: 195. Type species not designated from three apparently included (p. 202).

Maderothrips Priesner, 1964: 203. Type species Trichothrips longisetis Bagnall 1910, by monotypy. Synonymy in Mound et al., 1976: 66.

Bellicosothrips Johansen, 1981: 347. Type species Bellicosothrips magnificus Johansen, 1981, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Marullo, 1996: 312.

Biology and Distribution

Fungus-feeding genus mainly on dead branches found worldwide.

Click to see a list of the 132 extant Hoplothrips species.


Amyot CJB & Audinet-Serville JG (1843) Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hémiptères. Paris, Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 657pp.

Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia. pp. 1–472.

Bagnall RS (1910) Thysanoptera. pp. 669–701 in Fauna hawaiiensis. London: Cambridge University Press. Vol.3.

Karny H (1912) Revision der von Serville aufgestellten Thysanopteren-Genera. Zoologische Annalen 4: 322-344.

Hood JD (1915) Hoplothrips corticis: a problem in nomenclature. The Entomologist 1915: 102-107.

Watson JR (1923) Synopsis and catalog of the Thysanoptera of North America. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Florida 168: 1-100.

Priesner H (1928) Verzeichnis der Thysanopteren Ungarns. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 25: 60-68.

Stannard LJ (1957) The phylogeny and classification of the North American genera of the sub-order Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Illinois Biological Monographs 25: 1-200.

Priesner H (1964) Ordnung Thysanoptera (Fransenflügler, Thripse). in Franz H, Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas 2: 1-242. Akademie-Verlag.

Mound LA, Morison GD, Pitkin BR & Palmer JM (1976) Thysanoptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1(2): 1-79.

Johansen RM (1981) Nuevos Trips Tubuliferos (Insecta: Thysanoptera) de Mexico VII. Anales del Instituto de Biologia. Universidad Nacional de Mexico 51: 337-346.



Hoplothrips absimilis Knechtel, 1954

Hoplothrips aciculatus (Hood, 1941)

Hoplothrips agrestis Hood, 1955

Hoplothrips americanus Hood, 1908

Hoplothrips anobii Mound & Walker, 1986

Hoplothrips anomocerus (Hood, 1912)

Hoplothrips argus Hood, 1939

Hoplothrips asper Okajima, 2006


Hoplothrips baileyi Cott, 1956

Hoplothrips beachae (Hinds, 1902)

Hoplothrips bellingeni Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips bradleyi Hood, 1950

Hoplothrips brevitubus (Watson, 1918)

Hoplothrips breviventris (Hood, 1927)

Hoplothrips bruneri (Watson, 1933)


Hoplothrips caespitis (Uzel, 1895)

Hoplothrips calcaratus (Hood, 1925)

Hoplothrips carpathicus Pelikan, 1961

Hoplothrips cecidii (Ananthakrishnan, 1965)

Hoplothrips cephalotes (Karny, 1915)

Hoplothrips claviger Pelikan, 1972

Hoplothrips connexus (Hood, 1919)

Hoplothrips cooperi Wiesenborn, 2020

Hoplothrips corticis (De Geer, 1773)

Hoplothrips cubensis (Watson, 1924)

Hoplothrips cunctans (Cott, 1956)


Hoplothrips dentatus Priesner, 1928

Hoplothrips dentiger (Hood, 1949)

Hoplothrips detector Hood, 1955

Hoplothrips dignus Bianchi, 1953

Hoplothrips dissonus Hood, 1955

Hoplothrips dubius (Bagnall, 1910)


Hoplothrips edentatus Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips eremicola Jenser, 1990


Hoplothrips fijiensis Moulton, 1944

Hoplothrips flavafemora Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips flavicauda (Morgan, 1913)

Hoplothrips flavipes (Bagnall, 1910)

Hoplothrips flavitibia Moulton, 1928

Hoplothrips fumiceps (Hood, 1925)

Hoplothrips fungi (Zetterstedt, 1828)

Hoplothrips fungosus Moulton, 1928

Hoplothrips fuscicornis (Hood, 1916)


Hoplothrips germanae Bournier, 1961

Hoplothrips giganteus Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips gracilis Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips graminis (Hood, 1934)

Hoplothrips grassei Bournier, 1967

Hoplothrips grisescens (Priesner, 1924)

Hoplothrips guineensis Priesner, 1928


Hoplothrips hoerneri (Watson, 1931)

Hoplothrips hongruiae Mound & Wang, 2020

Hoplothrips hoodi (Morgan, 1913)


Hoplothrips indicus Ananthakrishnan, 1960


Hoplothrips japonicus (Karny, 1913)


Hoplothrips karnyi (Hood, 1914)

Hoplothrips kea Mound & Walker, 1986

Hoplothrips kincaidi Moulton, 1929


Hoplothrips lacteus Hood, 1954

Hoplothrips lamingtoni Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips lanaiensis (Bagnall, 1910)

Hoplothrips laticornis (Bagnall, 1910)

Hoplothrips leeuweni (Karny, 1915)

Hoplothrips leibyi (Hood, 1938)

Hoplothrips lepidulus zur Strassen, 1977

Hoplothrips lichenis Knechtel, 1954

Hoplothrips lihongae Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips longisetis (Bagnall, 1911)

Hoplothrips lowdeni Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020


Hoplothrips magnaccai (Mound, 2017)

Hoplothrips magnificus (Johansen, 1981)

Hoplothrips mainlingensis Han, 1988

Hoplothrips marginalis Hood & Williams, 1915

Hoplothrips mathuri (Ananthakrishnan, 1961)

Hoplothrips melanurus (Bagnall, 1919)

Hoplothrips mendosus zur Strassen, 1972

Hoplothrips militaris (Hood, 1934)

Hoplothrips minutalis Hood, 1954

† Hoplothrips minutatim (Bagnall, 1929)

Hoplothrips monspeliensis Bournier, 1961

Hoplothrips moultoni (Hood, 1934)

Hoplothrips muscicola Knechtel, 1954

Hoplothrips mutabilis Hood, 1955


Hoplothrips nemorius Ananthakrishnan, 1971

Hoplothrips niger (Franklin, 1908)

Hoplothrips nelsoni Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020


Hoplothrips oakeyi Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips occipitalis (Hood, 1934)

Hoplothrips orbiceps (Hood, 1934)

Hoplothrips orbiculatus Hood, 1954

Hoplothrips orientalis (Ananthakrishnan, 1969)

Hoplothrips oriochares Hood, 1942

Hoplothrips oudeus Mound & Walker, 1986


Hoplothrips pallicornis Crawford JC, 1939

Hoplothrips palmarius Hood, 1955

Hoplothrips papua (Karny, 1913)

Hoplothrips pedicularius (Haliday, 1836)

Hoplothrips pergandei (Hood, 1927)

Hoplothrips perkinsi (Bagnall, 1910)

Hoplothrips persimilis Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips polypori Bournier, 1992

Hoplothrips polysticti (Morison, 1949)

Hoplothrips poultoni (Bagnall & Kelly, 1929)

Hoplothrips proximus Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips purpureus Johansen, 1974


Hoplothrips quercinus Knechtel, 1936


Hoplothrips recticeps (Karny, 1920)

Hoplothrips reedi Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips ruber Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips rubicundulus (Hood, 1938)

Hoplothrips rugosus Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips rzedowskianus (Johansen, 1982)


Hoplothrips semicaecus (Uzel, 1895)

Hoplothrips smithi Hood, 1909

Hoplothrips sordidus Priesner, 1926

Hoplothrips spissicornis Hood, 1952


Hoplothrips tarsus Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips tejas Hood, 1939

Hoplothrips terminalis (Hood & Williams, 1915)

Hoplothrips testaceus Hood, 1954

Hoplothrips transvaalensis (Hood, 1924)

Hoplothrips tua Okajima, 2006

Hoplothrips tyrannus (Hood, 1934)


Hoplothrips ulmi (Fabricius, 1781)

Hoplothrips unicolor (Vuillet, 1914)


Hoplothrips vitreus Priesner, 1921


Hoplothrips westfalli Hood, 1954

Hoplothrips woodsi Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020

Hoplothrips wrightae Mound, Wang & Tree, 2020


Hoplothrips xanthocephalus (Hood, 1936)


Hoplothrips zacualtipanensis (Johansen, 1982)

Hoplothrips zonatus (Hood, 1914)

Hoplothrips zuluensis (Trybom, 1913)