From Thrips Wiki
Genus information
Neocecidothrips Bagnall, 1929: 186. Type species Eothrips bursariae Moulton 1927, by monotypy.
Biology and Distribution
Australian genus of gall thrips.
Bagnall RS (1929) On some new genera and species of Australian Thysanoptera (Tubulifera) with special reference to gall-species. Marcellia 25(1928): 184–204.
Mound LA (2008) Identification and host associations of some Thysanoptera Phlaeothripinae described from Australia pre-1930. Zootaxa 1714: 41–60.
Neocecidothrips bursariae (Moulton, 1927)
Neocecidothrips curviseta (Girault, 1926)
Neocecidothrips pacificus (Bianchi, 1952)