Genus information
Litotetothrips Priesner, 1929: 449. Type species Litotetothrips cinnamomi Priesner, 1929, by monotypy; a synonym of Gynaikothrips rotundus Moulton.
Biology and Distribution
From tropical Asia, leaf-feeding species.
Priesner H (1929) Indomalayische Thysanopteren I. Treubia 10: 447–462,
Kudo I (1994) Further notes on the genus Litotetothrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Insecta matsumurana 50: 53–78.
Mound LA & Tree DJ (2021) Litotetothrips Priesner (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae); an Asian genus newly recorded from Australia with two new species and one new combination. Zootaxa 5027 (3): 445–450.
Litotetothrips berangan Kudo, 1994
Litotetothrips caledonensis (Bournier, 1993)
Litotetothrips gallicola Mound & Tree, 2021
Litotetothrips hainanensis Feng & Guo, 2004
Litotetothrips keladan Kudo, 1994
Litotetothrips kochummeni Kudo, 1994
Litotetothrips medangteja Kudo, 1994
Litotetothrips pasaniae Kurosawa, 1937
Litotetothrips pinanganus Kudo, 1994
Litotetothrips roberti Kudo, 1975
Litotetothrips rotundus (Moulton, 1928)
Litotetothrips shoreae Mound, 1983
Litotetothrips symplocosae Mound & Tree, 2022
Litotetothrips tareei Mound & Tree, 2021