From Thrips Wiki
Genus information
Thlibothrips (Athlibothrips) Priesner, 1952: 199. Type species Gynaikothrips fuscipes Karny 1922, by monotypy.
Athlibothrips Priesner; Okajima, 1981: 141.
Biology and Distribution
Four species from the Oriental Region are placed in this genus.
Priesner H (1952) On some new genera and species of Thysanoptera from the Oriental region. Indian Journal of Entomology 13: 183-200.
Okajima S (1981) The genus Thlibothrips Priesner of leaf-rolling Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 15: 141–150.
Athlibothrips fuscipes (Karny, 1922)
Athlibothrips inquilinus (Ananthakrishnan & Varadarasan, 1978)
Athlibothrips yercaudensis Muraleedharan & Sen, 1981