Genus information
Thrips Linnaeus, 1758: 457. Type species Thrips physapus Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation, Latreille, 1810.
Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881: 133. Type species Thrips physapus Linneaeus, 1758, by inference, Hood. 1914: 35. Synonymy by Hood, 1914.
Parathrips Karny, 1907: 47. Type species Parathrips uzeli Karny, 1907, by monotypy. Synonymy in Jacot-Guillarmod, 1975: 1069.
Achaetothrips Karny, 1908: 111. Type species Achaetothrips loboptera Karny, 1908, by monotypy. Synonymy in Jacot-Guillarmod, 1975: 1069.
Archaeothrips Field, 1910: 74. Nomen nudum, lapsus for Achaetothrips Karny.
Isoneurothrips Bagnall, 1915: 592. Type species Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, 1915, by original designation. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1980: 112.
Parafrankliniella Priesner, 1920: 73. Type species Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner, 1920, by monotypy. Synonym by Mound, Morison, Pitkin & Palmer, 1976.
Paulus Solowiow, 1924: 26. Type species Paulus gracilis Solowiow, 1924, by monotypy. Synonymy in Jacot-Guillarmod, 1975: 1071.
Thrips (Epithrips) Priesner, 1926: 273. Type species Thrips (Epithrips) uzelianus Priesner, 1926, by monotypy. Synonym by Priesner, 1964.
Ramaswamiahiella Karny, 1926: 208. Type species Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny, 1926, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Masumoto, 2005: 9.
Priesneria Maltbaek, 1928: 2. Type species Priesneria mancosetosa Maltbaek, 1928, by monotypy. Nomen nudum.
Isochaetothrips Moulton, 1928: 227. Type species Thrips seticollis Bagnall 1915, by original designation. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1978: 195.
Anomalothrips Morgan, 1929: 5. Type species Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan, 1929, by monotypy, now considered a synonym of Thrips australis. Synonym by Priesner, 1964.
Thrips (Athrips) Priesner, 1938: 353. Type species Thrips kikuyuensis brevisetosa Trybom 1912, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Masumoto, 2005: 10.
Peladothrips Priesner, 1940: 54. Type species Peladothrips biunculatus Priesner 1940, by monotypy. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1990: 258.
Thrips (Isothrips) Priesner, 1940: 54. Type species Isoneurothrips orientalis Bagnall 1915, by monotypy. Synonym by Mound & Palmer, 1981.
Kemothrips Bhatti, 1967: 14. Type species Kemothrips mirus Bhatti, 1967, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Masumoto, 2005: 10.
Taeniothrips (Similothrips) Schliephake, 1972: 274. Type species Thrips atratus Haliday, 1836, by original designation. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1978: 195.
Thrips (Bidentothrips) Bournier & Bournier, 1979: 358. Type species Thrips (Bidentothrips) englerinae Bournier & Bournier, 1979, by monotypy. Synonymy in Mound & Masumoto, 2005: 10.
Jessicathrips Gonzalez, Retana-Salazar & Castillo, 2010: 124. Type species Jessicathrips cubensis Gonzalez et al. Nomen Nudum and synonym in Mound, 2015: 30.
Biology and Distribution
Worldwide, except Neotropics, in flowers with a few species in leaf buds and on leaves. Detailed accounts are available for North America (Nakahara, 1994), Europe (zur Strassen, 2003), Africa (Mound, 2010), Australasia (Mound & Masumoto, 2005).
Click to see a list of the 303 extant Thrips species.
Linnaeus C. (1758) Systema Naturae (10th edition). 823pp. Holmiae.
Targioni-Tozzetti A (1881) Relazione intoro ai lavori della R. Stazione di entomologia agraria di Firenze per gli anni 1877-1878. Art. V. Fisapodi (Thrips). Annali di Agricoltura 34: 120-134.
Karny H (1907) Die Orthopterenfauna des Küstengebietes von Österreich-Ungarn. Berlin Entomologische Zeitschrift 52: 17–52.
Karny H (1908) Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins nach Dalmatien im April 1906. Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins an der Universität Wien 6: 101–113.
Field HH (1910) Conspectus Methodicus. Bibliographica Zoologica. 17: 1–200.
Hoodn JD (1914) On the proper generic names of certain Thysanoptera of economic importance. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 16: 34-44.
Bagnall RS (1915) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera. VI. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)15: 588–597.
Priesner H (1920) Kurze Beschreibung neuer Thysanopteren aus Österreich. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 129: 71–88.
Solowiow P (1924) Neue Arten Blasenfüße. Entomologische Zeitschrift (Frankfurt) 38(12/13): 25.
Priesner H (1926) Thysanopterologica II. Zoologisches Jahrbucher 52: 267–278.
Karny H (1927) Studies on Indian Thysanoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. Entomology Series 9: 187–239.
Maltbaek J (1928) Thysanoptera Danica. Danske Frynsevinger. Entomologiske Meddelelser 16: 159–184.
Moulton D (1928) Thysanoptera from Abyssinia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)1: 227–248.
Morgan AC (1929) A new genus and five new species of Thysanoptera foreigh to the United States. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 31: 1–9.
Priesner H (1938) Thysanopteren aus dem Belgischen Congo (4. Beitrag). Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine 30: 343–355.
Priesner H (1940) On some Thysanoptera (Thripidae) from Palestine and Cyprus. Bulletin de la Societe Royale entomologique d'Egypte 24: 46–56.
Bhatti JS (1967) Thysanoptera nova Indica. Published by the author, Delhi. pp. 1–24.
Bhatti, J. S. (1978) A preliminary revision of Taeniothrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Oriental Insects 12: 157-199.
Bhatti, J. S. (1990) Catalogue of insects of the order Terebrantia from the Indian subregion. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 205-352.
Schliephake G (1972) Systematische und morphologisch-vergleichende Beziehungen der europäischen genera der Subtribus Thripina (Thys.). Folia Entomologica 25: 271-7.
Jacot-Guillarmod, J. C. (1975) Catalogue of the Thysanoptera of the world. Part 4. Annals of the Cape provincial Museums (Natural History) 7(4): 977-1255.
Bournier A & Bournier J-P (1979) Thysanoptères d'Afrique noire, II. Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental de l'Afrique Noire 41: 355–365.
Nakahara S (1994) The genus Thrips Linnaeus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) of the New World. United States Department of Agriculture. Technical Bulletin 1822: 1-183.
zur Strassen R (2003) Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas und des Mittelmeer-Gebietes. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 74: 1-271.
Mound, L. A. & Masumoto, M. (2005) The genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) in Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand. Zootaxa 1020: 1-64.
Mound LA (2010) Species of the genus Thrips (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from the Afro-tropical Region. Zootaxa 2423: 1-24.
Masumoto M & Okajima S (2013) Review of the genus Thrips and related genera (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Japan. Zootaxa 3678(1): 1–65.
Gonzalez C, Retana-Salazar AP & Castillo N. (2010) Jessicathrips cubensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), nuevo género y especie para la ciencia. Revista de Protección Vegetal 25(2): 124-126.
Mound LA (2015) Problems in Costa Rican thrips taxonomy and systematics (Insecta, Thysanoptera). Florida Entomologist 98: 27–31.
A Thrips abyssiniae (Moulton, 1928) Thrips acaciae Trybom, 1910 Thrips addendus (Priesner, 1933) Thrips alatus Bhatti, 1980 Thrips alavii Mirab-balou, Tong & Chen, 2012 Thrips albogilvus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips albopilosus Uzel, 1895 Thrips aleuritis Moulton & Steinweden, 1933 Thrips alius Palmer, 1992 Thrips alliorum (Priesner, 1935) Thrips alni Uzel, 1895 Thrips alysii Hood, 1954 Thrips andrewsi (Bagnall, 1921) Thrips angusticeps Uzel, 1895 † Thrips annulata Menge, 1856 Thrips annulicornis Blanchard, 1851 Thrips antiaropsidis Zerega, Mound & Weiblen, 2004 † Thrips antiquus Heer, 1856 Thrips apicatus Priesner, 1934 Thrips arizonensis Morrill, 1918 Thrips arorai Bhatti, 1980 Thrips asparagi zur Strassen, 1968 Thrips aspera Haliday, 1852 Thrips aspinus Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips assimilis Bagnall, 1913 Thrips atactus Bhatti, 1967 Thrips atratus Haliday, 1836 Thrips aurantithoracis Hood, 1932 Thrips aureolariae Nakahara, 1994 Thrips aureus Hood, 1915 Thrips aurulentus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips austellus Mound, 1978 Thrips australis (Bagnall, 1915) B Thrips beharensis (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939) Thrips benseleri Frauenfeld, 1836 Thrips beta Palmer, 1992 Thrips bianchii (Sakimura, 1969) Thrips biunculatus (Priesner, 1940) Thrips bourbonensis Bournier, 2000 Thrips brevialatus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips brevicornis Priesner, 1920 Thrips brevipilosus Moulton, 1927 Thrips brevisetosus Trybom, 1912 Thrips brevistylus (Priesner, 1938) Thrips brunneus Ishida, 1936 Thrips buxi Berzosa, 1987 C Thrips cacuminis Vierbergen, 2014 Thrips calcaratus Uzel, 1895 Thrips candidus Bournier & Bournier, 1988 Thrips cardui Yakhontov, 1947 Thrips carthami Shumsher, 1946 Thrips cedri Bhatti, 1980 Thrips cereolus Oettingen, 1944 Thrips cerno Palmer, 1992 Thrips chandni Bhatti, 1999 Thrips cinchonae Priesner, 1934 Thrips coloratus Schmutz, 1913 Thrips compressicornis (Sakimura, 1969) Thrips conferticornis Priesner, 1922 Thrips conicus Fabricius, 1803 Thrips conocephali Priesner, 1934 Thrips coprosmae Mound, 1978 Thrips corydali Lone et al, 1990 Thrips corymbiferarum Haliday, 1836 Thrips coxalis Masumoto, Tsutsumi & Okajima, 2023 Thrips crassicornis Bagnall, 1923 Thrips crawfordi Nakahara, 1994 Thrips cynorrhodi Haliday, 1836 D Thrips darwini Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips decens Palmer, 1992 Thrips dentatus Solowiow, 1924 Thrips dezeeuwi Vierbergen, 2014 Thrips diana Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips difficilis Priesner, 1920 Thrips dilatatus Uzel, 1895 Thrips discolor Haliday, 1836 Thrips disjunctus Oettingen, 1951 Thrips distinctus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips dorax Bhatti, 1980 Thrips dubius Priesner, 1927 E Thrips englerinae Bournier & Bournier, 1979 Thrips euphorbiae Knechtel, 1923 Thrips euphorbiicola Bagnall, 1924 Thrips evulgo Palmer, 1992 Thrips excaeletus Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips extensicornis Priesner, 1934 F Thrips facetus Palmer, 1992 Thrips fascicornis zur Strassen, 1982 Thrips fedorovi (Priesner, 1933) Thrips femoralis Blanchard, 1851 Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall, 1923) Thrips flavus Schrank, 1776 Thrips floreus Kurosawa, 1968 Thrips floricola (zur Strassen, 1995) Thrips florum Schmutz, 1913 Thrips formosanus Priesner, 1934 Thrips fraudulentus (Priesner, 1954) Thrips frosti Moulton, 1936 |
F continued Thrips fulmeki (Priesner, 1938) Thrips fulvipes Bagnall, 1923 Thrips fumosoides (Priesner, 1938) Thrips fumosus (Trybom, 1908) Thrips funebris Bagnall, 1924 Thrips fuscicornis Ishida, 1936 Thrips fuscipennis Haliday, 1836 G Thrips gardeniae Palmer, 1992 Thrips garuda Bhatti, 1980 Thrips gentluteae Bournier, 1983 Thrips georgicus Pelikan, 1973 Thrips golili Alavi, 2020 Thrips gossypii Yakhontov, 1929 Thrips gowdeyi (Bagnall, 1919) Thrips gracilis (Moulton, 1936) Thrips gramineae Moulton, 1936 Thrips griseus Bagnall, 1916 Thrips grossulariae Haliday, 1836 H Thrips hanifahi Mound & Azidah, 2009 Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913) Thrips helianthi Morgan, 1913 Thrips helvolus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips heraclei Moulton, 1926 Thrips herricki Bagnall, 1926 Thrips himalayanus (Pelikan, 1970) Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966 Thrips hoddlei Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips hoodi Priesner, 1938 I Thrips idahoensis Nakahara, 1994 Thrips imaginis Bagnall, 1926 Thrips impar Hood, 1915 Thrips incognitus Priesner, 1914 Thrips inferus Chen, 1979 Thrips insignis (Bianchi, 1945) Thrips intricatus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips iranicus Yakhontov, 1951 Thrips italicus (Bagnall, 1926) J Thrips javanicus Priesner, 1934 Thrips juniperinus Linnaeus, 1758 K Thrips kali Bhatti, 1980 Thrips klapaleki Uzel, 1895 Thrips knoxi (Girault, 1927) Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966 Thrips konoi Nakahara, 1994 Thrips korbuensis Ng & Mound, 2020 Thrips kotoshoi (Moulton, 1928) Thrips kurahashii Mound, 2010 L Thrips laevicollis Blanchard, 1851 Thrips latiareus Vierbergen, 2004 Thrips latis Bhatti, 1967 Thrips laurencei Rachana & Varatharajan, 2017 Thrips leeuweni (Priesner, 1938) Thrips leptocerus (Schliephake, 1985) Thrips levatus Bhatti, 1980 Thrips linariae Priesner, 1927 Thrips linarius Uzel, 1895 Thrips lini Ladureau, 1878 Thrips lividus Haliday, 1836 Thrips lomatus zur Strassen, 1979 Thrips longalatus Schmutz, 1913 Thrips longicaudatus (Bianchi, 1953) Thrips longiceps (Bagnall, 1916) M Thrips maculicollis (Hood, 1918) Thrips madroni Moulton, 1907 Thrips magnus Moulton, 1911 Thrips major Uzel, 1895 Thrips malloti Priesner, 1934 Thrips mancosetosus Priesner, 1964 Thrips mareoticus (Priesner, 1932) Thrips martini Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips medialis Oettingen, 1951 Thrips mediterraneus Priesner, 1934 Thrips melastomae Priesner, 1934 Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall, 1923 Thrips merae Mound & Wells, 2015 Thrips meridionalis (Priesner, 1926) Thrips meruensis (Trybom, 1908) Thrips microchaetus Karny, 1920 Thrips minutissimus Linnaeus, 1758 Thrips mirus (Bhatti, 1967) Thrips modicus Bianchi, 1953 Thrips monotropae Hood, 1927 Thrips montanus (Priesner, 1920) Thrips morindae Priesner, 1934 Thrips moundi Tyagi & Kumar, 2015 Thrips mucidus Moulton, 1936 N Thrips nelsoni Nakahara, 1994 Thrips nigropilosus Uzel, 1895 Thrips nonakai Masumoto & Okajima, 2013 Thrips novocaledonensis (Bianchi, 1945) O Thrips obscuratus (Crawford JC, 1941) Thrips obscuripes Priesner, 1934 Thrips ochracea Curtis, 1839 Thrips ogasawarensis Masumoto & Okajima, 2013 Thrips oneillae (Titschack, 1968) Thrips orarius Kobro & Ulitzka, 2021 Thrips orientalis (Bagnall, 1915) Thrips origani Priesner, 1926 Thrips oryzophagus Rondani, 1871 |
P Thrips pallicornis Hood, 1912 Thrips pallidicollis Hood, 1934 Thrips pallidulus Bagnall, 1924 Thrips pallisetis Sakimura, 1969 Thrips palmerae Reyes, 1994 Thrips palmi Karny, 1925 Thrips paludosus Bagnall, 1913 Thrips palustris Reuter, 1899 Thrips panousei zur Strassen, 1968 Thrips paradoxa Linnaeus, 1758 Thrips paramadronii Nakahara, 1994 Thrips parvispinus (Karny, 1922) Thrips pauciporus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips pavettae (Priesner, 1938) Thrips pectinatus Hood, 1932 Thrips pectiniprivus Priesner, 1934 Thrips pelikani Schliephake, 1964 Thrips pennatus zur Strassen, 1965 Thrips persicae Haliday, 1837 Thrips phormiicola Mound, 1978 Thrips physapus Linnaeus, 1758 Thrips pillichi Priesner, 1924 Thrips pini (Uzel, 1895) Thrips pistaciae Yakhontov, 1951 Thrips porteri Brethes, 1916 Thrips poultoni Bagnall, 1933 Thrips praetermissus Priesner, 1920 Thrips pretiosus (Priesner, 1938) Thrips priesneri Hood, 1932 Thrips pruni Nakahara, 1994 Thrips pseudoflavus Nakahara, 1994 Thrips pusillus Bagnall, 1926 Q Thrips quadridentatus Trybom, 1910 Thrips quilicii Bournier, 2000 Thrips quinciensis Morgan, 1913 R Thrips ranunculi Schrank, 1781 Thrips rapaensis (Moulton, 1939) Thrips razanii Ng, Eow & Mound, 2010 Thrips reticulatus Moulton, 1940 Thrips reunionensis Goldarazena, Dianzinga, Frago, Michel & Reynaud, 2020 Thrips rhabdotus Sakimura, 1969 Thrips rhamani Masumoto & Okajima, 2019 Thrips robustus Priesner, 1920 Thrips roepkei Doeksen, 1953 Thrips rostratus Priesner, 1934 Thrips rufescens (Hood, 1925) Thrips rugicollis Blanchard, 1851 S Thrips safrus Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips sambuci Heeger, 1854 Thrips samoaensis (Moulton, 1944) Thrips schliephakei Pelikan, 1985 Thrips scotti (Moulton, 1928) Thrips sensarmai Vijay Veer & Srivastava, 1985 Thrips seticollis (Bagnall, 1915) Thrips setipennis (Bagnall, 1916) Thrips setosus (Moulton, 1928) Thrips shiranensis Masumoto & Okajima, 2019 Thrips shiranesanus Masumoto & Okajima, 2013 Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey, 1968 Thrips sieversiae Hood, 1934 Thrips silybum Alavi, 2020 Thrips simplex (Morison, 1930) Thrips simulator Nakahara, 1994 Thrips sinaiticus (Priesner, 1935) Thrips solari Mound, 2010 Thrips speratus zur Strassen, 1978 Thrips spinosus Morgan, 1913 Thrips spiranthicola Masumoto, Tsutsumi & Okajima, 2023 Thrips stannardi Nakahara, 1994 Thrips subnudula (Karny, 1926) Thrips sukki Bhatti & Lee, 1999 Thrips sumatrensis Priesner, 1934 Thrips sylvanus Stannard, 1957 Thrips syringae Masumoto & Okajima, 2013
Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889 Thrips tanicus Bhatti, 1970 Thrips taraxaci Yakhontov & Stovichek, 1953 Thrips tarfayensis zur Strassen, 1968 Thrips taurus Bhatti, 1980 Thrips tectus zur Strassen, 1975 Thrips temperans zur Strassen, 1996 Thrips tenebricosus (Priesner, 1938) Thrips tenellus Trybom, 1913 Thrips thalictri Hood, 1931 Thrips timidus Priesner, 1926 Thrips tomeus Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips trehernei Priesner, 1927 Thrips tripartitus Hood, 1940 Thrips tristis (Priesner, 1938) Thrips trybomi (Karny, 1908) Thrips typicus Masumoto & Okajima, 2013 U Thrips unisetifer Masumoto & Okajima, 2019 Thrips unispinus Moulton, 1940 Thrips unonae Priesner, 1934 Thrips urticae Fabricius, 1781 V Thrips vackari (Pelikan, 1990) Thrips validus Uzel, 1895 Thrips variegatus Von Gleichen, 1764 Thrips varipes Hood, 1913 Thrips verbasci (Priesner, 1920) Thrips viminalis Uzel, 1895 Thrips vitticornis (Karny, 1922) Thrips vuilleti (Bagnall, 1933) Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday, 1836 W Thrips wedeliae (Priesner, 1934) Thrips wellsae Mound & Masumoto, 2005 Thrips winnemanae Hood, 1913 X Thrips xenos Bhatti, 1980 |