Thrips pillichi
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Nomenclatural details
Thrips pillichi Priesner, 1924: 2.
Thrips fallaciosa Priesner, 1924: 2.
Thrips hiemalis Priesner, 1927: 345.
Thrips kerschneri Priesner, 1927: 439.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Hungary (T. pillichi, T. fallaciosa, T. hiemalis) and Austria (T. kerchneri).
Priesner H (1924) Neue europäische Thysanopteren (III). Konowia 3: 1–5.
Priesner H (1927) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung III. Wien: F. Wagner Verlag pp. 343–568.
Type information
Syntypes of pillichi and fallaciosa also holotype of hiemalis and kerschneri in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.