Thrips origani
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Nomenclatural details
Thrips origani Priesner, 1926: 272.
Thrips dyssochaetus Bagnall, 1927: 570.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Hungary (T. origani) and France (T. dyssochaetus).
Priesner (1926) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung I-II: 1-342. F. Wagner verlag, Wien.
zur Strassen R (2003) Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas und des Mittelmeer-Gebietes. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 74: 1–271.
Type information
Syntype females of origani in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, syntypes of dyssochaetus in The Natural History Museum, London.