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More than 50% of the described species in this family are placed either in the Holarctic genus Aeolothrips or in the Australian genus Desmothrips. Most of the species in these two genera live in flowers, either as phytophages or possibly as facultative predators.

In contrast more than 50% of Aeolothripidae genera are restricted to tropical countries where the species appear to be obligate predators, some living high in the tree canopy but others at ground level (Mound et al., 2012).

The 29 genera listed below are here interpreted as representing a single family, although Bhatti (2006) placed eight of these genera into seven separate families, as follows:

Cycadothripidae Mound, 1991:649 [for Cycadothrips]

Dactuliothripidae Moulton 1931:173 [for Dactuliothrips]

Euceratothripidae Bhatti, 2006:350 [for Euceratothrips]

Franklinothripidae Bagnall, 1926:170 [for Franklinothrips; Corynothripoides]

Indothripidae Bhatti, 1999:7 [for Indothrips]

Mymarothripidae Bagnall, 1928:306 [for Mymarothrips]

Orothripidae Bagnall, 1913:155 [for Orothrips]

Click to see a list of the 23 genera.

Click to see a list of the 7 fossil genera.

Click to see a list of the 220 extant species.

Click to see a list of the 15 Fossil species.


Bhatti JS (2006) The classification of Terebrantia (Insecta) into families. Oriental Insects 40: 339-375.

Mound LA, Tree DJ & Paris D (2012) [1]

Genera included

Aduncothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1963

Aeolothrips Haliday, 1836

Allelothrips Bagnall, 1932

Ambaeolothrips Mound, Cavalleri, O’Donnell, Infante, Ortiz & Goldarazena

Andrewarthaia Mound, 1967

Audiothrips Moulton, 1930

Corynothripoides Bagnall, 1926

† Cretothrips Grimaldi, 2004

Cycadothrips Mound, 1991

Dactuliothrips Moulton, 1931

Desmothrips Hood, 1915

Erythridothrips Mound & Marullo, 1993

Erythrothrips Moulton, 1911

Euceratothrips Hood, 1936

Franklinothrips Back, 1912

† Fusithrips Schmakov, 2009

Gelothrips Bhatti, 1967

Indothrips Bhatti, 1967

Lamprothrips Moulton, 1935

† Lithadothrips Scudder, 1875

Mymarothrips Bagnall, 1928

Orothrips Moulton, 1907

† Palaeothrips Scudder, 1875

† Permothrips Martynov, 1935

Rhipidothripiella Bagnall, 1932

† Rhipidothripoides Bagnall, 1923

Rhipidothrips Uzel, 1895

† Sinaeolothrips Schmakov, 2014

Stomatothrips Hood, 1912

Streothrips Bhatti, 1971