Genus information
Aeolothrips Haliday, 1836: 451. Type species Aeolothrips albicincta Haliday, by monotypy.
Coleothrips Haliday, 1836: 451. Type species Thrips fasciatus Linneaus, by subsequent designation of Westwood (1840). Synonymy in Priesner, 1925.
Pygaeolella Priesner, 1926: 101. Type species Aeolothrips albicincta Haliday, by subsequent designation of Bagnall (1929). Synonymy in Priesner, 1938.
Podaeolella Priesner, 1926: 114. Type species Aeolothrips versicolor Uzel, by subsequent designation of Bagnall (1929). Treated as synonym in Mound et al., 1976
Orthoaeolothrips Melis, 1932: 183. No type species designated (see Redia, 20: 41).
Plagioaeolothrips Melis, 1932: 183. No type species designated (see Redia, 20: 41).
Aeolothrips (Gevarothrips) Lacasa Plasencia, 1983: 74. Type species Aeolothrips bournieri Lacasa Plasencia, by monotypy. Sub-genus not distinguished by zur Strassen, 2003.
Fabothrips Bhatti, 1988: 116. Type species Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood, by monotypy. Synonymy in Mound & Marullo, 1996.
Arabthrips Bhatti, 1999: 7. Type species Aeolothrips asirensis Strassen, by monotypy.
Biology and Distribution
An Holarctic genus of mainly flower-living, facultative, predatory species, with a few species living at ground level as obligate mite predators.
Click to see a list of the 112 species.
Haliday AH (1836) An epitome of the British genera in the Order Thysanoptera with indications of a few of the species. Entomological Magazine 3: 439–451.
Priesner H (1926) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung I-II. Wien : F. Wagner Verlag. pp. 1–342.
Melis A (1932) Tisanotteri Italiani. Genys Aeolothrips. Redia 20: 144-187.
Lacassa Plasencia (1983) Nuevos Tisanoptero de la Peninsula Iberica. Aeolothrips bournieri sp.n. (Aeolothripidae). Eos 59: 67-75.
Bhatti JS (1988) The spermatheca as a useful character for species differentiation in Coleothrips Haliday (Insecta: Terebrantia: Aeolothripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 111–116.
Bhatti JS (1999) Notes on Thysanoptera. Thrips 1: 6–9.
zur Strassen R (2003) Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas und des Mittelmeer-Gebietes. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 74: 1–271.