Aeolothrips versicolor
Nomenclatural details
Aeolothrips versicolor Uzel, 1895: 69.
Aeolothrips tibialis Reuter, 1901: 33.
Aeolothrips tiliae Bagnall, 1913: 156.
Aeolothrips similis Priesner, 1919: 80.
Aeolothrips maculosus Bagnall, 1920: 62.
Aeolothrips maculosus var. costalis Bagnall, 1920: 62.
Aeolothrips parvicornis Bagnall, 1920: 62. Synonymised by Mound, 1968: 12.
Aeolothrips timofeevi Zaitsev, 1921: 135.
Biology and Distribution
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia. pp. 1–472.
Reuter O.M. (1901) Thysanoptera fennica. Forteckning och beskrifning ofver Finska Thysanoptera. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Volume: xvii Issue: 2 69 pp.
Bagnall RS (1913) Notes on Aeolothripidae, with description of a new species. Journal of economic Biology 8: 155–158.
Priesner H (1919) Zur Thysanopteren-Fauna der ostadriatischen Küstenländer. Zeitschrift des Osterreichischen Entomologen-Vereins 4: 79–114.
Bagnall RS (1920) Preliminary notes and descriptions of some European species of Aeolothrips. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 56: 60–62.
Zaitsev (1921) Zapisky Nautshno-Priklad. Otdel. Tifliss. Botan. Sada 2: 135. fig. 1.
Mound LA (1968) A review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysanoptera collections. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 11: 1–181.
Type information
Holotype female of (A. costalis), The Natural History Museum, London.
Lectotype females of A. parvicornis and A. tiliae, The Natural History Museum, London.