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Genus information

Nesothrips Kirkaldy, 1907: 103. Type species Nesothrips oahuensis Kirkaldy, by monotypy.

Oedemothrips Bagnall, 1910: 680. Type species Oedemothrips laticeps Bagnall, by monotypy. Synonymised by Bianchi, 1944.

Rhaebothrips Karny, 1913: 128. Type species Rhaebothrips lativentris Karny, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Palmer, 1983: 47.

Biology and Distribution

A genus of about 30 species from the Oriental, Australian and Pacific regions.


Kirkaldy GW (1907) On two Hawaiian Thysanoptera. Proceedings of the Hawaiian entomological Society 1: 102–103.

Bagnall RS (1910) Thysanoptera. pp. 669–701 in Fauna hawaiiensis. London: Cambridge University Press. Vol.3.

Bianchi FA (1944) Nesothrips Kirkaldy supersedes Oedemothrips Bagnall. Proceedings of the Hawaiian entomological Society 12: 31–38.

Mound LA (1974) The Nesothrips complex of spore-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 31: 109–188.

Eow LX, Mound LA, Tree DJ & Cameron SL (2014) Australian species of spore-feeding Thysanoptera in the genera Carientothrips and Nesothrips (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). Zootaxa 3821(2): 193-221.


Nesothrips alexandrae Mound & Walker, 1986

Nesothrips aoristus Mound, 1974

Nesothrips artocarpi (Moulton, 1942)

Nesothrips badius (Hood, 1918)

Nesothrips barrowi Eow et al., 2014

Nesothrips brevicollis (Bagnall, 1914)

Nesothrips brigalowi Eow et al., 2014

Nesothrips capricornis (Mound, 1974)

Nesothrips carveri Mound, 1974

Nesothrips coorongi Eow et al., 2014

Nesothrips doulli Mound, 1974

Nesothrips eastopi Mound, 1974

Nesothrips fodinae Mound, 1974

Nesothrips hemidiscus Mound, 1974

Nesothrips lativentris (Karny, 1913)

Nesothrips leveri Mound, 1974

Nesothrips major (Bagnall, 1928)

Nesothrips malaccae Mound, 1974

Nesothrips minor (Bagnall, 1921)

Nesothrips niger (Moulton & Steinweden, 1932)

Nesothrips nigrisetis (Sakimura, 1972)

Nesothrips oahuensis Kirkaldy, 1907

Nesothrips peltatus Han & Cui, 1991

Nesothrips pintadus Mound & Walker, 1986

Nesothrips propinquus (Bagnall, 1916)

Nesothrips rangi Mound & Palmer, 1983

Nesothrips rossi Eow et al., 2014

Nesothrips semiflavus (Moulton, 1939)

Nesothrips vercambrei (Bournier, 1994: 421)

Nesothrips yanchepi Mound, 1974

Nesothrips yasumatsui Okajima, 1990

Nesothrips zondagi Mound, 1974