Genus information
Compsothrips Reuter, 1901: 214. Type species Phloeothrips albosignata Reuter, 1884, by monotypy.
Macrothrips Buffa, 1908: 4. Type species Phloeothrips albosignatus Reuter, by monotypy. Synonym by Moulton, 1947.
Leurothrips Bagnall, 1908: 196. Type species Leurothrips albomaculata Bagnall, by original designation. Synonymised by Priesner, 1928.
Leptogastrothrips Trybom, 1912: 28. Type species Leptogastrothrips reuteri Trybom, by monotypy. Synonymised by Priesner, 1964.
Oedaleothrips Hood, 1916: 64. Type species Oedaleothrips hookeri Hood, by original designation. Synonymised by Priesner, 1964.
Myrmecothrips Watson, 1920: 20. Type species Myrmecothrips querci Watson, by original designation. Synonymised by Watson, 1924.
Myrmecothrips Priesner, 1926: 485. Type species Myrmecothrips dampfi Priesner, by original designation. Synonymised by Hood, 1936.
Formicothrips Priesner, 1927: 479. Replacement name for Myrmecothrips Priesner. Synonymised by Hood, 1936.
Biology and Distribution
Pantropical genus of ant mimics living at ground level.
Reuter OM (1901) Thysanoptera tria Mediterranea. Öffersigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 43: 214-215.
Buffa P (1908) Esame di una piccola raccolta di Tisanotteri esistenti nel Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Napoli. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Napoli (N.S.) 2(23): 2-6.
Bagnall RS (1908) On some new genera and species of Thysanoptera. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland 3: 183–217.
Trybom F (1912) Physapoden aus natal und dem Zululande. Arkiv för Zoologi 7(33): 1–52.
Hood JD (1916) Oedaleothrips hookeri, a new genus and species of Thysanoptera. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 11: 64–65.
Watson JR (1920) New Thysanoptera from Florida VII. Florida Entomologist. 4 : 18–23.
Priesner H (1926) Un genero nuevo y curioso del orden physopodos o Thysanopteros (insectos) de Mexico. Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad Cientifica Antonia Alzate 44: 485–489.
Priesner H (1927) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung III: 343-568. F. Wagner verlag, Wien.
Hood JD (1936) Studies in Neotropical Thysanoptera I. Revista de Entomologia 6: 248–279.
Compsothrips aeneus (Hood, 1937)
Compsothrips albosignatus (Reuter, 1884)
Compsothrips baileyi (Hood, 1941)
Compsothrips bicolor (Priesner, 1921)
Compsothrips brasiliensis (Hood, 1952)
Compsothrips brunneus (Hood, 1941)
Compsothrips congoensis (Hood, 1952)
Compsothrips dampfi (Priesner, 1926)
Compsothrips graminis (Hood, 1936)
Compsothrips hoodi (de Santis, 1958)
Compsothrips hookeri (Hood, 1916)
Compsothrips jacksoni (Hood, 1925)
Compsothrips maroccanus Priesner, 1964
Compsothrips oneillae Bournier, 1974
Compsothrips pampicolla (De Santis, 1958)
Compsothrips querci (Watson, 1920)
Compsothrips ramamurthii (Ananthakrishnan, 1964)
Compsothrips reticulates Guo & Feng, 2006
Compsothrips reuteri (Trybom, 1912)
Compsothrips sinensis (Pelikan, 1961)
Compsothrips sumatranus Priesner, 1928
Compsothrips tenebronus (Han & Cui, 1991)
Compsothrips timur (Pelikan, 1961)
Compsothrips tristis (Cott, 1956)
Compsothrips uzeli (Hood, 1952)
Compsothrips walteri (Watson, 1933)
Compsothrips yosemitae (Moulton, 1929)