Compsothrips albosignatus

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Nomenclatural details

Phloeothrips albosignata Reuter, 1884: 290.

Leurothrips albomaculata Bagnall, 1908: 196.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Algeria, but the synonym without locality data, this species seems widespread in the Mediterranean area.


Reuter OM (1884) Revue d'Entomologie, Caen 3(12): 290.

Priesner H (1964) Ordnung Thysanoptera (Fransenflügler, Thripse). in Franz H, Bestimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas 2: 1-242. Akademie-Verlag.

Type information

Syntypes (P. albosignata), depositary not known.

Holotype female (L. albomaculata), The Natural History Museum, London.