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Genus information

Ankothrips Crawford, 1909: 100. Type species Ankothrips robustus Crawford, by monotypy.

Dicranothrips Trybom, 1910: 148. Type species Dicranothrips fissidens Trybom, by monotypy. Synonym in Priesner, 1925.

Prionothrips Schille, 1911: 3. Type species Prionothrips niezabitowskii Schille, by monotypy. Synonym in Priesner, 1925.

Biology and Distribution

The 13 species in this genus exhibit a discontinuous distribution, with seven species in western North America, five in southern Europe, and one in South Africa. They are all presumed to be flower-living.


Crawford DL (1909) On some Thysanoptera from Mexico and the south. Pomona College Journal of Entomology 1: 109–119.

Trybom F (1910) Physapoda. pp. 147–174 in Schultze Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungreise im westlichen und zentralen Südafrica (1903-1905). Jena : Denkschriften der Medizinisch-naturwissenschaflichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Vol.16

Schille F (1911) Thysanopterorum genera et species novae. Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficznej (published by Akademia Umiejętności wKrakowie) 45(2): 1-10.


Ankothrips aequalis Moulton, 1926

† Ankothrips deploegi Nel et al., 2020

Ankothrips diffractus Hood, 1924

† Ankothrips dupeae Nel et al., 2020

Ankothrips fissidens Trybom, 1910

Ankothrips flavidus Pelikan, 1958

Ankothrips gracilis Moulton, 1926

Ankothrips mavromoustakisi Priesner, 1939

Ankothrips niezabitowskii Schille, 1911

Ankothrips notabilis Bailey, 1940

Ankothrips robustus Crawford DL, 1909

Ankothrips thuriferae Berzosa & Maroto, 1983

Ankothrips vandykei Moulton, 1928

Ankothrips yuccae Moulton, 1926

Ankothrips zayandicus Minaei, Haftbaradaran & Mound, 2012