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Genus information

Elaphrothrips Buffa, 1909: 162. Type species Idolothrips coniferarum Pergande, by subsequent designation Andre, 1940: 76.

Dicaiothrips Buffa, 1909: 169. Type species Thrips schottii Heeger, by subsequent designation Bagnall, 1910: 370. Synonymised by Hood, 1927: 238.

Klinothrips Bagnall, 1918: 217. Type species Klinothrips femoralis Bagnall, by monotypy. Synonymised by Priesner, 1952: 845.

Elaphrothrips (Elaphoxothrips) Bagnall, 1932: 517. Type species Kleothrips athletes Karny, by monotypy.

Elaphridothrips Priesner, 1932: 320. Type species Elaphridothrips andrapterus Priesner, by monotypy. Synonymised by Priesner, 1952: 861.

Palinothrips Hood, 1952: 168. Type species Palinothrips palustris Hood, by monotypy. Synonymised by Mound & Palmer, 1983: 64.

Elaphrothrips (Paraclinothrips) Priesner, 1952: 846. Type species Elaphrothrips (Paraclinothrips) coniger Priesner, by monotypy.

Elaphrothrips (Cradothrips) Ananthakrishnan, 1973: 273. Type species Elaphrothrips (Cradothrips) insignis Ananthakrishnan, by monotypy.

Biology and Distribution

Many species found widely around the tropics and subtropics, often living on dead leaves, and many exhibiting considerable polymorphism in body structure.

Click to see a list of the 145 extant Elaphrothrips species.


Buffa P (1909) I Tisanotteri esotici esistenti nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Redia 5: 157-172.

Bagnall RS (1918) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera IX. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)1: 201–221.

Bagnall RS (1932) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera. XVII. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)10: 505–520.

Priesner H (1932) Thysanopteren aus dem Belgischen Congo. Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaine 22(3): 320–344.

Hood JD (1952) Brasilian Thysanoptera III. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 65: 141–174.

Priesner H (1952) On some Central African Thysanoptera. Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental de l'Afrique Noire 14: 842–880.

Ananthakrishnan TN (1973) Studies on some Indian species of the genus Elaphrothrips Buffa (Megathripinae: Tubulifera: Thysanoptera). Pacific Insects 15: 271–284.

Mound LA & Palmer JM (1983) The generic and tribal classification of spore-feeding Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 46: 1-174. See also: [1]



Elaphrothrips acanthomerus Hood, 1941

Elaphrothrips addendus Priesner, 1928

Elaphrothrips aethiopiae Bagnall, 1936

Elaphrothrips affinis (Bagnall, 1908)

Elaphrothrips africanus (Trybom, 1910)

Elaphrothrips albospinosus Moulton, 1929

Elaphrothrips amazonicus Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips amoenus Priesner, 1935

Elaphrothrips andrapterus (Priesner, 1932)

Elaphrothrips angustatus (Bagnall, 1910)

Elaphrothrips angusticeps (Crawford DL, 1910)

Elaphrothrips angustifrons (Bergroth, 1888)

Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood, 1908)

Elaphrothrips athletes (Karny, 1923)

Elaphrothrips aztecus Hood, 1941


Elaphrothrips bagnallianus Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips bakeri (Karny, 1920)

Elaphrothrips bilineatus Priesner, 1933

Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood, 1938

Elaphrothrips borgmeieri Hood, 1955

Elaphrothrips bottegii (Buffa, 1909)

Elaphrothrips brachypes Bagnall, 1934

Elaphrothrips brachyurus Bagnall, 1926

Elaphrothrips brasiliensis Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips breviceps (Bagnall, 1921)

Elaphrothrips brevicornis (Bagnall, 1910)

Elaphrothrips brunneipennis Bagnall, 1935

Elaphrothrips bussingi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta, 2015


Elaphrothrips capensis Faure, 1942

Elaphrothrips carayoni Bournier, 1971

Elaphrothrips cesari Retana & Soto, 2002

Elaphrothrips cognatodampfi Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips cognatograndis Johansen, 1978

Elaphrothrips congoensis Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips conicurus Bagnall, 1934

Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande, 1896)

Elaphrothrips coniger Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips constrictopeltatus Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips coreanus Woo, 1974

Elaphrothrips costalimai Hood, 1955

Elaphrothrips curvipes Priesner, 1929


Elaphrothrips dampfi Hood, 1940

Elaphrothrips decipiens Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips defectus Hood, 1941

Elaphrothrips denticollis (Bagnall, 1909)

Elaphrothrips devius Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips distans Bagnall, 1935

Elaphrothrips drepanatus (Priesner, 1927)

Elaphrothrips drepanifer (Faure, 1925)


Elaphrothrips edouardi Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939


Elaphrothrips falcatus (Karny, 1912)

Elaphrothrips fallax Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips faurei Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939

Elaphrothrips femoralis (Bagnall, 1918)

Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood, 1908)

Elaphrothrips fournieri Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta, 2015

Elaphrothrips foveicollis (Bagnall, 1908)

Elaphrothrips fulmeki Priesner, 1935


Elaphrothrips gaboniensis Bagnall, 1936

Elaphrothrips garciaaldretei Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips genaspinosus Moulton, 1928

Elaphrothrips gnidicolus (Hesse, 1934)

Elaphrothrips gomezlauritoi Retana-Salazar, Soto-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-Arrieta, 2015

Elaphrothrips gracilis Moulton, 1933

Elaphrothrips gravis Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips greeni (Bagnall, 1914)


Elaphrothrips handlirschii Schmutz, 1909

Elaphrothrips herculeus Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips herricki Moulton, 1933


Elaphrothrips impensus Morison, 1958

Elaphrothrips indigator Hood, 1936

Elaphrothrips insignis Ananthakrishnan, 1973

Elaphrothrips insperatus Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips insularis Priesner, 1928


Elaphrothrips jacobsoni Priesner, 1935

Elaphrothrips jacotguillarmodi Johansen, 1979


Elaphrothrips laevicollis (Bagnall, 1910)

Elaphrothrips laticeps Bagnall, 1935

Elaphrothrips laticornis Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941

Elaphrothrips lewisi Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips longiceps (Bagnall, 1908)

Elaphrothrips longispinis Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips lorraineae Retana & Soto, 2002


Elaphrothrips mabirensis Priesner, 1925

Elaphrothrips macateei Hood, 1955

Elaphrothrips madagascariensis Bagnall, 1935

Elaphrothrips magnus Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips mahensis (Bagnall, 1921)

Elaphrothrips malayensis (Bagnall, 1909)

Elaphrothrips maya Johansen, 1986

Elaphrothrips maynei Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips medius Hartwig, 1948

Elaphrothrips microacanthomerus Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips morelensis Johansen, 1980


Elaphrothrips neodampfi Johansen, 1979 (1977)

Elaphrothrips neoleonensis Johansen, 1979 (1977)

Elaphrothrips neolongiceps Johansen, 1979 (1977)

Elaphrothrips niger Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939

Elaphrothrips nigricornis (Karny, 1912)

Elaphrothrips nigripes Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937

Elaphrothrips nitidus (Bagnall, 1910)

Elaphrothrips notabilis Ananthakrishnan, 1973


Elaphrothrips oaxacaensis Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips occidentalis Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips oculatoides Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips oculatus Moulton, 1928

Elaphrothrips orangiae Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937


Elaphrothrips palustris Hood, 1952

Elaphrothrips paradampfi Johansen, 1979

Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood, 1924

Elaphrothrips parvus Priesner, 1936

Elaphrothrips peruviensis Hood, 1936

Elaphrothrips philippinensis Okajima, 1989

Elaphrothrips powelli Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937

Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall, 1926

Elaphrothrips procer (Schmutz, 1913)

Elaphrothrips propeherculeus Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips propinquus (Bagnall, 1910)

Elaphrothrips prospector Hood, 1936

Elaphrothrips pseudotuberculatus Johansen, 1980


Elaphrothrips quirosi Johansen & Retana, 1999


Elaphrothrips schotti (Heeger, 1852)

Elaphrothrips schoutedeni Priesner, 1932

Elaphrothrips schultzei Priesner, 1933

Elaphrothrips sensitivus Priesner, 1929

Elaphrothrips separatus Priesner, 1928

Elaphrothrips seychellensis Bagnall, 1921

Elaphrothrips snodgrassi Hood, 1955

Elaphrothrips spiniceps Bagnall, 1932

Elaphrothrips spiniprivus Priesner, 1952

Elaphrothrips spinosus Moulton, 1933

Elaphrothrips stenocephalus (Bagnall, 1914)

Elaphrothrips sulawesiensis Okajima, 1989

Elaphrothrips surinamensis Priesner, 1925


Elaphrothrips tener Priesner, 1925

Elaphrothrips tepoztlanensis Johansen, 1986

Elaphrothrips transvaalensis Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939

Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood, 1908)


Elaphrothrips unicolor Moulton, 1933

Elaphrothrips uniformis (Buffa, 1909)


Elaphrothrips valerioi Retana & Soto, 2002

Elaphrothrips villai Johansen, 1980

Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood, 1940


Elaphrothrips zacualtipanensis Johansen, 1983

Elaphrothrips zetetis Hood, 1936