Elaphrothrips mahensis

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Nomenclatural details

Dicaiothrips mahensis Bagnall, 1921: 283.

Dicaiothrips rex Bagnall, 1921: 281.

Dicaiothrips hystrix Bagnall, 1921: 284.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Mare aux Cochons (D. rex), Morne Blanc, Mahe (D. mahensis) and Silhouette (D. hystrix), Seychelles.


Bagnall RS (1921) On Thysanoptera from the Seychelles Islands and Rodrigues. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)7: 257–293.

Type information

Holotype males (D. mahensis, D. rex), The Natural History Museum, London.

Holotype female (D. hystrix), The Natural History Museum, London.