Elaphrothrips priesneri

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Nomenclatural details

Dicaiothrips breviceps Priesner, 1921: 219.

Elaphrothrips priesneri Bagnall, 1926: 554. Replacement name for breviceps Priesner, nec breviceps Bagnall.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Paraguay.


Priesner H (1921) Neue und wenig bekannte Thysanopteren der neotropischen Fauna aus der Sammlung des Berliner Zoologischen Museums. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 1921: 187–223.

Bagnall RS (1926) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera XVI. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)18: 545–560.

Type information

Syntype male and female (D. breviceps), Humboldt University Museum, Berlin, also in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.