Scirtothrips dobroskyi

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Nomenclatural details

Scirtothrips dobroskyi Moulton, 1936: 264.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Manila, Philippines from tomato. Recorded from Australia from Lantana camara, Mangifera indica, Eupatorium riparium, Physalis minima and Cissus antarcticum as well as Bougainvillea, Cassytha, Cuphea and Pteridium sp.


Moulton D (1936) Thysanoptera of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Agriculture 7: 263-273.

Hoddle M & Mound LA (2004) The genus Scirtothrips in Australia (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Zootaxa 268: 1–40.

Ng YF, Mound LA & Azidah AA (2014) The genus Scirtothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Malaysia, with five new species and comments on Biltothrips, a related genus. Zootaxa 3856 (2): 253-266.

Type information

Holotype female, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.