Scirtothrips citri
Nomenclatural details
Euthrips citri Moulton, 1909: 119.
Scirtothrips citri (Moulton, 1909); Hood, 1914: 37.
Scirtothrips clivicola Hood, 1957: 49.
Scirtothrips admangiferaffinis Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 34. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips apatzinganensis Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 37. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips danieltelizi Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 44. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips dieterenkerlini Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 44. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips hectorgonzalizi Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 46. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips magniferraffinis Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 48. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangoaffinis Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 49. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangofrequentis Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 50. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangoinfestans Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 51. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangomolestus Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 52. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangonoxius Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 54. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips mangorum Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 53. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips martingonzalezi Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 56. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips novomangorum Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 58. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Scirtothrips willihennigi Johansen & Mojica-Guzman, 1999: 67. Synonymised Mound & Hoddle, 2016: 763.
Biology and Distribution
Described from California USA from orange (E. citri); from Chiricahua mountains, Arizona USA from grasses and herbs (S. clivicola); from Mangifera indica, Mexico (admangiferaffinis; apatzinganensis; danieltelizi; dieterenkerlini; hectorgonzalizi; magniferraffinis; mangoaffinis; mangofrequentis; mangoinfestans; mangomolestus; mangonoxius; mangorum; martingonzalezi; novomangorum; willihennigi.
Moulton D (1909) The orange thrips. Technical series, USDA Bureau of Entomology (7) 12: 119–122.
Hood JD (1914) On the proper generic names of certain Thysanoptera of economic importance. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 16: 34-44.
Hood JD (1957) Fifteen new Thysanoptera from the United States. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 70: 49–60.
Johansen RM & Mojica-Guzman A (1999) The genus Scirtothrips Shull, 1909 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae, Sericothripini), in Mexico. Folia Entomologia Mexicana 104: 23–108. [1998]
Mound, L. & Hoddle, M (2016) Scirtothrips species (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) described from mango, Mangifera indica, in Mexico. Florida Entomologist 99(4):759-764.
Type information
Holotype female (S. clivicola), National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.
Lectotype female (E. citri), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
Holotype females (admangiferaffinis; apatzinganensis; danieltelizi; dieterenkerlini; hectorgonzalizi; magniferraffinis; mangoaffinis; mangofrequentis; mangoinfestans; mangomolestus; mangonoxius; mangorum; martingonzalezi; novomangorum; willihennigi in Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.