Salpingothrips minimus
From Thrips Wiki
Nomenclatural details
Salpingothrips minimus Hood, 1935: 158.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Barro Colorado island, Canal zone, Panama. Collected from Mucuna leaves.
Hood JD (1935) Eleven new Thripidae (Thysanoptera) from Panama. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 43: 143–171.
Kudo I (1972) A new species of the genus Salpingothrips from Japan. Kontyu 40: 230–233.
Mound LA & Marullo R (1996) The Thrips of Central and South America: An Introduction. Memoirs on Entomology, International 6: 1–488.
Type information
Holotype, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.