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Genus information

Pseudanaphothrips Karny, 1921: 242. Type species Pseudothrips achaetus Bagnall, 1916, by subsequent designation of Karny, 1924: 16.

Homochaetothrips Sakimura, 1968: 59. Type species Pseudothrips parvus Bagnall, 1916, by original designation. Synonym in Mound & Palmer, 1981: 164.

Biology and Distribution

Australia, and Indonesia, in flowers.


Karny H (1921) Zur Systematik der Orthopteroiden Insekten; III Thysanoptera. Treubia 1: 211-269.

Karny H (1924) Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 38. Thysanoptera. Arkiv för Zoologi 17A (2): 1-56.

Sakimura (1968) A preliminary review of the genus Homochaetothrips gen.nov., with brief description of a new species. Journal of the Australian entomological Society 7: 59-62.

Mound LA & Palmer JM (1981) Phylogenetic relationships between some genera of Thripidae (Thysanoptera). Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 153-17.

Mound LA & Tree DJ (2020) Thysanoptera Australiensis – Thrips of Australia., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia [1]


Pseudanaphothrips achaetus (Bagnall, 1916)

Pseudanaphothrips araucariae Mound & Palmer, 1990

Pseudanaphothrips aureolus (Girault, 1928)

Pseudanaphothrips casuarinae Mound & Palmer, 1990

Pseudanaphothrips frankstoni (Steele, 1940)

Pseudanaphothrips pallidus (Steele, 1940)

Pseudanaphothrips parvus (Bagnall, 1916)

Pseudanaphothrips querci (Moulton, 1928)

Pseudanaphothrips uniformis (Bagnall, 1926)