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Jaroslav Pelikan – Taxonomic and Ecological Papers on Thysanoptera

Excluding various book chapters in Czech (see 1997 Klapalekiana 33: 135-141).


1. Contribution à la connaissance des nos Thysanoptères. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 8: 71-72. [in Czech – résumé in French]

2. Deuxième contribution à la connaissance des nos Thysanoptères. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 8: 116-120. [in Czech – résumé in French]


3. Sur quelques Thysanoptères de la réservation de Mohelno. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 9: 56-59. [in Czech – résumé in French]


4. Notice a la connaissance des Thysanoptères de la tourbière de Rejvíz. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 10: 2-16. [in Czech – description in French]

5. Les Thysanoptères corticicoles I. Eurytrichothrips affinis (O.M.Reuter). Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 10: 43-56. [in Czech – résumé in French]


6. Some interesting notes on Moravian Thysanoptera. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 12: 28-29. [in Czech – summary in English]

7. A new subgenus and species of Thysanoptera from Czechoslovakia. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 12: 37-41. [in Czech – description in French]


8. Thysanoptera corticicola III. Contribution to the knowledge of Poecilothrips albopictus Uzel. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 13: 152-156. [in Czech and English]

9. To the knowledge of Silesian Thysanoptera. Přírodovědecký sborník ostravského kraje (Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis) 11: 344-353. [in Czech – summary in English]


10. On carnation thrips, Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 14: 5-38. [in Czech – summary in English]

11. A new Taeniothrips A. & S. from Czechoslovakia. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 14: 59-62. [in Czech – description in English]

12. Thysanoptera corticicola II. Description of the first larva of Cryptothrips nigripes O.M.R. Sborník Klubu Přírodovědeckého v Brne 29: 68-71. [in Czech – description in English]

13. Thysanoptera corticicola IV. On Hoplandrothrips bispinosus Pr. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 14: 153-158. [in Czech – description in English]

14. Additional notes on Czechoslovak Thysanoptera. Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica) 14: 158-161. [in Czech – summary in English]


15. A list of Czechoslovak Thysanoptera. Zoologické a entomologické listy (Folia Zoologica et Entomologica) 15: 185-195. [in Czech – summary in English]


16. Remarks on the orchid thrips, Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (M.). Zoologické a entomologické listy (Folia Zoologica et Entomologica) 17: 3-12. [in Czech – summary in English]

17. New records of Thysanoptera from Czechoslovakia. Zoologické a entomologické listy (Folia Zoologica et Entomologica) 17: 202. [in Czech]


18. Oxythrips tatricus n. sp., eine unbekannte trips-Art der Bergkiefer. Zoologické a entomologické listy (Folia Zoologica et Entomologica) 18: 21-28. [in Czech – description in German]


19. Eine weitere neue Taeniothrips-Art aus der Tschechoslowakei. Folia Zoologica (Folia Zoologica) 5: 135-138. [in Czech and German]


20. Neue Thysanopterenarten aus der Tschechoslowakei – I. Folia Zoologica (Folia Zoologica) 6: 52-56.


21. Neue Thysanopterenarten aus der Tschechoslowakei – II. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 55: 280-288.

22. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Thysanopteren Bulgariens – I. Práce Brněnské základny Československé akademie věd 30: 423-433. [in Czech]


23. Neue Thysanopterenarten aus der Tschechoslowakei – III. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 57: 112-117.

24. Eine neue Melanthrips-Art aus Bulgarien. Izvestiya na Zoologicheskiya Institut 9: 455-460.


25. New species of Thysanoptera from Czechoslovakia – IV. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 58: 60-70.

26. Two new species of Oedaleothrips from Asia. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 58: 302-309.


27. New Thysanoptera from Central Asia (U.S.S.R.). Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 60: 99-113.

28. A new Haplothrips from China. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 60: 273-276.


29. Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts. 20. Beitrag – Thysanoptera. Beiträge zur Entomologie (Berlin) 14: 251-268.

30. Five new Thysanoptera from Soviet Central Asia. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 61: 224-237.

31. The zoological results of Gy. Topál’s collectings in south Argentina. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 56: 267-279.


32. New species of Thysanoptera from Czechoslovakia – V. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 62: 98-104.

33. Eine neue Kakothrips-Art aus Israel. Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae) 62: 319-322.

34. Zwei neue paläarktische Haplothrips-Arten. Zoologischer Anzeiger 175: 182-187.

35. Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts. 45. Beitrag – Thysanoptera (Nachtrag). Beiträge zur Entomologie (Berlin) 15: 761-762.

36. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei – XX. Thysanoptera. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 57: 229-239.


37. A new species of Cercothrips Hood from Madagascar. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 64: 364-367.


38. Two new Thysanoptera from Asia with notes on synonymy. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 65: 216-221.


39. 29th result of the zoological scientific expedition of the National Museum in Prague to Turkey – Thysanoptera. Acta Entomologicae Musei Nationalis Pragae 38: 147-149.


40. On some Thysanoptera collected in Nepal by Prof. Janetschek. Khumbu – Himal (Universität Verlag Innsbruck – München) 3: 361-370.


41. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei – 290. Thysanoptera. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 18: 333-351.


42. Thysanoptera collected in Transcaucasia, including descriptions of two new species. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 70: 30-44.


43. Melanthrips hispanicus sp.n. with notes on a related species. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 74: 16-19.

44. Thysanoptera. Pp 55-59. in Dlabola, J. (ed.) Enumeratio Insectorum Bohemoslovakiae. Acta Faunistica Entomologicae Musei Nationalis Pragae 15 (Suppl. 4): 1-158.


45. A remarkable new Aeolothrips species from Kyzyl Kum desert (Thysanoptera). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 80: 437-440.

46. Zur Faunistik der Thysanopteren Mitteleuropas. Verhhandlungen des Zehnten Internationalen Symposiums uber Entomofaunistik Mitteleuropas (SIEEC) Budapest: 295-297.


47. Thysanopteren aus der Mongolei – III. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 76: 109-128.


48. Thysanopteren aus der Mongolei – IV. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 77: 127-144.


49. Zoogeographical analysis of Mongolian Thysanoptera. Pp 496-499. In Holman J, Pelikan J, Dixon AFG & Weismann L. [eds] Population structure, genetics and taxonomy of aphids and Thysanoptera. 542 pp. The Hague (SPB Academic Publishing).


50. Records, notes and list of Thysanoptera from Algeria. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 85: 21-27.

51. A new Irano-Turkmenian species of Bregmatothrips Hood, 1912. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 85: 464-468.


52. Two new species of Thysanoptera from Mongolia. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 86: 121-128.

53. A new imported pest of greenhouse plants, the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895). Ochrana Rostlin 25: 271-278. [in Czech]


54. New species of Thysanoptera from Gobi Altai Mountains. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 66: 41-49.

55. Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia, Thysanoptera. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 87: 232-234.

56. Butting in phlaeothripid larvae (Thysanoptera). Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Thysanoptera, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 11-16 June 1990: 51-55.


57. Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia, Thysanoptera. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 88: 11-12.

58. The Cuban-laurel thrips, Gynaikothrips ficorum Marchal, 1908, in greenhouses in Czechoslovakia. Ochrana Rostlin 27: 287-291. [in Czech]


59. Faunistic records from Czechoslovakia, Thysanoptera. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 89: 168.


60. A new species of Lygothrips Ananthakrishnan (Thysanoptera, Tubulifera) from Madagascar. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4: 317-324.


61. Eine neue bemerkenswerte Apterygothrips-Art aus Mitteleuropa (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift (Essen) 104: 177-192. [Pelikan J & Schliephake G.]

62. Osmeterial glands in Megathrips-like males (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Courier Forschunginstitut Senckenberg 178: 97-100.


63. A new Mongolian species of the genus Apterygothrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). European Journal of Entomology 92: 443-447.

64. Thysanoptera. Pp 137-146. in Rozkosny R Vanhara J. (eds). Terrestrial invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO I. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Biologia 92: 1-208.


65. Vertical distribution of alpine Thysanoptera. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 57: 121-125.


66. Thrips palmi Karny, 1925 threatens European glasshouses. Plant Protection Science 34 (1): 39-42. [in Czech – abstract in English]


67. A new Ecacanthothrips Bagnall, 1909 from China (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 85: 297-300.


68. Another pugnacious thrips, Tragothrips kubani gen. nov. and sp. nov. from Laos (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 86: 171-175.

69. Thrips in nests of birds and mammals in the National Nature Reserve Jurský Šúr. Folia faunistica Slovaca 6: 69-73. [P. Fedor, J. Pelikán, M. Krumpál, D. Cyprich] [in Slovak – abstract in English]


70. A new Ascirtothrips Priesner, 1964 from Central Asia (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 87: 71-73.

71. Thrips (Thysanoptera) in nests of birds and mammals in Slovakia. Ekológia (Bratislava) 21: 275-282. [J. Pelikán, P. Fedor, M. Krumpál, D. Cyprich]


72. Tumidothrips spiniceps gen. et sp. nov., a new thrips from Laos (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae, Idolothripinae). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae (Brno) 89: 19-23.