Palmiothrips palmae

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Nomenclatural details

Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna, 1934: 491.

Anaphothrips (Hemianaphothrips) annulicornis zur Strassen, 1965: 19.

Biology and Distribution

Described from India (H. palmae) and Lanzarote, Canary islands (A. annulicornis).


Ramakrishna TV (1934) Notes on Indian Thysanoptera with descriptions of new species. Records of the Indian Museum 36: 491–498.

zur Strassen R (1965) Einige neue terebrante Thysanopteren-Arten von den Kanarischen Inseln (Ins., Thysanoptera). Commentationes biologicae Societas scientiarus fennica 28: 3–41.

Type information

Type material (H. palmae), in Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata; ?holotype female in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.

Holotype female (A. annulicornis), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.