Orothrips priesneri
Nomenclatural details
Ekplectothrips priesneri Titschack, 1958: 5.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Spain, recorded from Italy (Marullo, 2005).
Titschack E (1958) Zwei neue Thysanopteren aus Südeuropa. Verhandlungen des Vereins für Naturwissenschaftliche Heimatforschung 33: 4-15.
Marullo R & Mound LA (1994) Discontinuous distribution and systematic relationships of the genus Orothrips (Aeolothripidae; Thysanoptera) and related taxa in Mediterranean climates. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 101: 561–566.
Marullo R (2005) Life history and pre-imaginal stages of Orothrips priesneri (Titschack) (Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae), with a key to larvae of related genera in southern Europe. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 141: 99-108.
Type information
Holotype female in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.