Mymarothrips garuda
Nomenclatural details
Mymarothrips garuda Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931: 1031.
Mymarothrips bolus Bhatti, 1967: 3. Synonymised by Mound & Marullo, 1998: 947.
Mymarothrips flavidonotus Tong & Zhang, 1995: 39. Synonymised by Mound & Marullo, 1998: 947.
Biology and Distribution
Described from India, with one synonym from southern China.
Ramakrishna TV & Margabandhu V (1931) Notes on Indian Thysanoptera with brief descriptions of new species. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 34: 1025–1040.
Bhatti JS (1967) Thysanoptera nova Indica. Published by the author, Delhi. pp. 1–24.
Tong Xiaoli & Zhang Weiqiu (1995) A new species of the genus Mymarothrips from China (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae). Journal of the South China Agricultural University 16(2): 39–41.
Type information
Holotype male (M. bolus), unknown depositary.
Holotype (M. flavidonotus), South China Agricultural University.