Melanthrips rivnayi
Nomenclatural details
Melanthrips rivnayi Priesner, 1936: 48.
Melanthrips crataegi Janejic, 1991: 169. Synonimised by Trdan, 2002: 354.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Israel, also various Mediterranean countries, in flowers of woody Rosaceae.
Priesner H (1936) A preliminary review of the non-fossil species of the genus Melanthrips Hal. (Thysanoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Royale entomologique d'Egypte 20: 29–52.
Janejic (1991) The contribution to the knowledge of thrips species (Thysanoptera) on plants in Slovenia. Zbornik Biotehniske Fakultete Univerze Edvarda Kardelja v Ljubljani Kmetijstvo, 57 1991: 169-178, 306.
Trdan S (2002) Thrips in Slovenia, pp. 351-356 in Marullo R & Mound LA [eds] Thrips and Tospoviruses: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Thysanoptera. Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. [1]
zur Strassen R (2003) Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas und des Mittelmeer-Gebietes. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 74: 1–271.
Type information
Holotype female in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.