Megalothrips spinosus

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Nomenclatural details

Megalothrips spinosus Hood, 1908: 306.

Megalothrips fuscus Watson, 1921: 84.

Biology and Distribution

Described from from Harrisburg Pennsylvania USA from burrows of Lepidopterus or Coleopterous larvae in dead willow stem (M. spinosus) and New York USA (M. fuscus).


Hood JD (1908) Three new North American Phloeothripidae. Canadian Entomologist 40: 305–309.

Watson JR (1921) New Thysanoptera from New York. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 16: 78–86.

Type information

Lectotype female (M. spinosus), National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.

Holotype female (M. fuscus), Florida State Arthropod Collection, Gainesville.