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Gabor Jenser Thysanoptera Publications

[complied by Andrea Hastenpflug-Vesmanis 2019]

[see: Vasiliu-Oromulu, L. & Bărbuceanu D. (2016) In Memoriam Prof. PhD. D.Sc. Gábor Jenser (01.04.1931 – 06.05.2015). South Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment, 7 (2): 139-143.]


Magyarország faun´jára új tripsz-fajok. Folia entom. hungarica, ser. nov., vol. 8, no. 9, p. 131-134.


Thysanopterologial jrgyzetek I. Folia entom. hungarica, serv. nov., vol. 11, no. 20, p. 365-37.


Adatok a kertgazdasági növényeinket kárositó tripszek ismeretéhez. Annales Academiae Horti- et Viticulturae, vol. 22, fasc. 6, p. 3-35.


A szölötripsz (Drepanothrips reuteri Uzel) kártétele Magyarországi szölöben. (Damages caused by Drepanothrips reuteri Uzel in Hungarian vineyards.) Ann. Inst. invest. Viticult. Vinicult., vol. 13, p. 151-157. [Jenser, G. & Voigt, E.]


Observations on the Autumn Mass Flight of Frankliniella intonsa Trybom (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Acta Phytopath. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, vol. 8, no. 1-2, p. 227-230, Budapest.


Magyarország faunájára új Thysanoptera fajok. Folia entom. hungarica (Ser. Nova), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 39 – 41.


A check-list of Thysanoptera of Hungary. Folia entom. hungarica (Ser. Nova), vol. 32, no. 2, p. 31-42.


Thysanoptera species collected by a suction trap in Hungary. Folia entom. hungarica, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 91-93.

Thrips (Thysanoptera) from the Hortobágy National Park. The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park, S. 51–53.


Data to the Thysanoptera fauna of Tunisia. Folia entom. hungarica, vol. 43, no. 1, p. 55-57.

Tripszek – Thysanoptera. Fauna Hungariae, vol. 5, no. 13, p. 1-192.


Über die an Leguminosen in Ungarn vorkommenden Thysanopteren-Arten. Verh X. internatn. Symp. Entomofaunistik Mt-Europas, p. 305-306, Budapest 1983.

Data to the Thysanoptera fauna of Afghanistan. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 105-108.


Data to the Thysanoptera fauna of the Kiskunság National Park. in: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The fauna of the Kiskunság National Park, vol. 1, p. 107-111.

Records of Thysanoptera from Northern Greece. Entomologia Hellenica, vol. 3, 1985, p. 59-61. [Jenser, G. & Tzanakakis, M. E.]


Thysanoptera species collected by suction trap in a maize stand in Hungary. in:Holman, J., Pelikán, J., Dixon, A. F. G. & Weismann, L. (Eds.): Population structure, genetics and taxonomy of aphids and Thysanoptera: Proc. internat. Sympos. Smolenice 1985, p. 436-438.


Data to the Thysanoptera fauna of Ethiopia. Acta zool. hungarica, vol. 35, no. 3-4, p. 205-210.

Magyarország faunájára új Thysanoptera fajok [Thysanoptera species, new to the fauna of Hungary.]. Folia entom. hungarica, vol. 50, p. 169-170.

New Data on Thysanoptera in Yugoslavia. Bull.Mus. Hist. nat. Belgrade, ser. B, (1987) vol. 42, p. 75-78. [Jenser, G. & Andjus, L.]

Thysanoptera species occurring frequently on culivated plants in Hungary. Acta phytopath. et entomol. hungarica (1988), vol. 23, no. 3-4, p. 285-289. [Jenser, G. & Czencz, K.]


Über das Freiland-Auftretenvon Frankliniella occidentalis (Perg.) (Thysanoptera) in Ungarn. Anz. Schädlingskde., Pflanzenschutz, Umweltschutz, vol. 63, no. 6, p. 114-116.

Host preference of some Thysanoptera species living in Fabaceae flowers. Proc. III. internat. Symposium on Thysanoptera, Kazimierz Dolny (Poland), June 1990, p. 83-89.

Thysanoptera of St. Lucia. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 51, p. 33-35. [Jenser, G. & Nakahara, S.]


Thysanoptera from the Bátorliget Nature Reserves. in: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The Bátorliget Nature Reserves – after forty years, 1990, vol. 1-2, p. 333-346.

Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday) – eine predatorische Thysanopteren-Art in den Obsanlagen. Mitt.dtsch. Ges. allgem. angew. Entomol. vol. 8, p. 126-127.


Predacious Thysanoptera species in Hungarian Orchards. Acta phytopath. et entomol. hungar., vol. 27, no. 1-4, p. 317-319.

Thysanoptera populations in agrobiotopes and in their surroundings. Proc. 4th Europ. Congr. Entomol. & 13th Symp. internat. Entomofauna Europe centr., Gödöllö 1991, vol. 1, p. 321-323. [Jenser, G. & Czencz, K]


Melanthrips pelikani sp. n. (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) from Algeria. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 54, p. 61-63.

Studies on the vertical distribution of some Thysanoptera species in an oak forest. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Appplied Zoology), vol. 4, p. 233-238.


Observations on the flight period of Thrips tabaci Lindeman 1888. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, no. 178, p. 63-64. [Jenser, G. & El Ghariani, I.]

Thysanoptera species living on the roadside verges vegetation in Hungary. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, no. 178, p. 65-67. [Jenser, G., Terpó, A. & El Ghariani, I.]


Über an Ruderalpflanzen lebenden Thysanopteren-Arten (Thysanoptera). Verh. 14. internat. Symp. Entomofaun. Mt-Europa, Sept. 1994, p. 395-396. [Jenser, G., Terpó, A. & Polgár, E. B.]

Data to the knowledge of the host preference of Kakothrips robustus Uzel. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 57 (Suppl.), p. 43-46.

Thysanoptera from the Bükk National Park. in: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The fauna of the Bükk National Park II, p. 129-146.

Tospovirus infesctions in Hungary. Acta Horticulturae, no. 431, p. 51-56. [Jenser, G., Gáborjányi, R., Vasdinnyei, R. & Almási, A.]


Ecological aspects of tomato spotted wilt epidemy in Hungary. Recent Progress in Tospovirus and Thrips Research, Abstracts of papers and poster presentations presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Tospoviruses and Thrips in Floral and Vegetable Crops, 2-6 May 1998 in Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. 81-82. [Jenser, G. & Gáborjányi, R.]


Thysanoptera from the Aggtelek National Park. in: Mahunka, S. (Ed.): The fauna of the Aggtelek National Park (775 p.), p. 109-117


Investigation on the colour preference of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Acta phytopathol. entomol. hungarica, vol. 36, p. 207-211. [Szénási, Á., Jenser, G. & Zana, J.]

Molecular polymorphism between population of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) propagating on tobacco and onion. Acta phytopath. et entomol. hungarica, vol. 36, no. 3-4, p. 365-368. [Jenser, G., Szénási, A., Törjék, O., Gyulai, G., Kiss, E., Heszky, L. & Fail, J.]


Adatok az Örség Thysanoptera faunájának ismeretéhez. Praenorica Folia hist.-nat., vol. 6, p. 41-46.

The composition of Thysanoptera species on Stellaria media (L.) Vill. in different biotopes under Hungarian climatic conditions. Acta phytopathol. et entomol. hungarica, vol. 37, p. 193-200. [Szénási, Á., Jenser, G. & Kazinczy, L.]


Siginficance of hibernated Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysan., Thripidae) adults in the epidemic of tomato spotted wilt virus. Jrn. appl. Entomol., vol. 127, p. 7-11. [Jenser, G., Gáborjányi, R., Szénási, A., Almási, A. & Grasselli, M.]


Checklist on Thysanoptera in Croatia. Entomologia Croatica, vol. 7, no. 1-2, p. 35-41. [Raspudic, E., Ivezic, M. & Jenser, G.]

Thysanoptera (Insecta) from Transylvania. Entomol. roman., 2003, vol. 8, p. 81-88. [Jenser, G., Vasiliu-Oromulu, L., Orbán, K. & Szénási, A.]

Review of the biology and vector capability of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Acta phytopath. entomol. hungarica, vol. 39, no. 1-3, p. 137-155. [Jenser G. & Szénási, Á.]


Host range of the arrhenotokous populations of Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Acta phytopath. entomol. hungar., vol. 41, no. 3-4, p. 297-303. [Jenser, G., Lipcsei, S., Szénási, Á. & Hudák, K.]


Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a cryptic Thysanoptera species. Entomofauna carpathica, vol. 19, no. 1-2, p. 2-5.


Faunistical and ecological observations on Thysanoptera I. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 69, p. 159-164.

The state of knowledge of Thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) oft he Carpathian Mountains. Acta phytopath. et entomol. hungarica, vol. 43, p. 355-366. [Sierka, W., Fedor, P. J., Vasiliu-Oromulu, L., Jenser G. & Bărbuceanu, D.]


New Thysanoptera species from Syria, with description of Limothrips syriacus sp. n. (Thripidae). Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 70, p. 81-85.

New Thysanoptera species for Bulgaria. Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 70, p. 79-80. [Jenser, G. & Krumov, V.]


Differences in the vector efficiency of Thrips tabaci in Europe and North America. Acta phytopath. et entomol. hungarica, vol. 46, p. 311-317. [Jenser, G., Almási, A., Fail, J. & Tóbiás, J.]


Redescription of Bacillothrips longiceps O. M. Reuter, 1901 (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae). Folia entomol. hungarica, vol. 74, p. 17-19. [Jenser, G. & Vasiliu-Oromulu, L.]