Idolothrips yashiroi

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Nomenclatural details

Idolothrips yashiroi Ishida, 1932: 4.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Okinawa, Japan from Laegenaria vulgaris var. clavata. [apparently unknown to Okajima (2006) but probably representing a species of Bactrothrips]


Ishida, I. (1932) Fauna of the Thysanoptera in Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 7: 1-16.

Okajima, S. (2006) The Suborder Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). The Insects of Japan 2: 1-720. The Entomological Society of Japan, Touka Shobo Co. Ltd., Fukuoka.

Type information

Holotype female, Hokkaido University Entomology Museum, Sapporo