Gigantothrips nigripes
Nomenclatural details
Gigantothrips nigripes Karny, 1924: 34.
Gigantothrips turneri Bagnall, 1926: 559. Synonymised by Mound, 2012: 2.
Biology and Distribution
Although described as from Queensland, Australia, the original specimens apparently came from East Africa (Mound, 2012: 2).
Karny H (1924) Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913 38 Thysanoptera. Arkiv för Zoologi. (2) 17A: 1–56.
Bagnall RS (1926) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera XVI. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 18: 545–560.
Mound LA (2012) Four Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) falsely recorded as Australian. Australian Entomologist 39: 1-4.
Type information
Holotype (G. nigripes), Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm; paratype female in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.
Holotype female (G. turneri), The Natural History Museum, London.