Eremiothrips efflatouni
Nomenclatural details
Ascirtothrips efflatouni Priesner, 1965: 253.
Anaphothrips eversi zur Strassen, 1965: 25.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Alexandria, Egypt on Halocnemon strobilaceum (A. efflatouni) and from Fuerteventura, Canary islands on Traganum moquini (A. eversi).
Priesner H (1965) A monograph of the Thysanoptera of the Egyptian deserts. Publications de la Institut Desert Egypte 13: 1–549.
zur Strassen R (1965) Einige neue terebrante Thysanopteren-Arten von den Kanarischen Inseln (Ins., Thysanoptera). Commentationes biologicae Societas scientiarus fennica 28: 3–41.
zur Strassen R (1975) Eremophile Blütenbewohner der Fransenflüglergattung Ascirtothrips Priesner 1964 (Insecta: Thysanoptera) . Senckenbergiana biologica 56: 257–282.
Bhatti JS, Telmadarraiy Z, Kumar V & Tyagi K (2003) Species of Eremiothrips in Iran (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thysanoptera 2003 2: 49–110.
Type information
Paratype females of efflatouni; holotype female of eversi in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.