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Genus information

Dinothrips Bagnall, 1908: 190. Type species Dinothrips sumatrensis Bagnall, by monotypy.

Paxillothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1961: 250. Type species Paxillothrips longicauda Ananthakrishnan, by monotypy, Synonymised by Palmer & Mound, 1978: 166.

Biology and Distribution

From dead branches in Oriental region.


Bagnall RS (1908) On some new genera and species of Thysanoptera. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland 3: 183–217.

Ananthakrishnan TN (1961) New Tubuliferan Thysanoptera from India. Journal of the Zoological Society of India 12: 250-258.

Palmer JM & Mound LA (1978) Nine genera of fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) from the Oriental Region. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 37: 153-215.


Dinothrips hainanensis Zhang, 1982

Dinothrips juglandis Moulton, 1933

Dinothrips longicauda (Ananthakrishnan, 1961)

Dinothrips monodon Karny, 1920

Dinothrips spinosus (Schmutz, 1913)

Dinothrips sumatrensis Bagnall, 1908