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Genus information

Dendrothrips Uzel, 1895: 159. Type species Dendrothrips tiliae Uzel (=Thrips ornatus Jablonowski, 1894) by subsequent designation of Priesner, 1921.

Monochaetella Priesner, 1921: 116. Type species Dendrothrips saltatrix Uzel, by monotypy. Synonymy in zur Strassen, 1968.

Dichaetella Priesner, 1921: 116. Type species Dendrothrips (Dendrothrips) karnyi Priesner, by monotypy. Synonymy in zur Strassen, 1968.

Dendrothripiella Bagnall, 1927: 567. Type species Dendrothrips phyllireae Bagnall, by monotypy. Synonymy in zur Strassen, 1968.

Dendrothrips (Vicinichaetella) Yakhontov, 1958: 705. Type species Dendrothrips (Vicinichaetella) saniishi Yakhontov, by monotypy. Synonymy in zur Strassen, 1968.

Cerothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1961: 259. Type species Cerothrips minutus Ananthakrishnan, by monotypy. Synonymy in zur Strassen, 1968.

Biology and Distribution

Leaf feeding species, widespread in Old World.

Click to see a list of the 57 species.


Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia: pp. 1–472.

Priesner H (1921) Neue Europäische Thysanopteren. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 38: 115-122.

Bagnall RS (1927) Contributions towards a knowledge of the European Thysanoptera II. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)19: 564–575.

Yakhontov (1958) A new subgenus and species of the genus Dendrothrips Thysanoptera, Thripidae. Ent. Moscow. 705-707— incomplete.

Ananthakrishnan TN (1961) Studies on some Indian Thysanoptera VI. Zoologischer Anzieger 167: 259–271.

zur Strassen R (1968) Tabellarische Arten-übersicht der Fransenflügler-Gattung Dendrothrips Uzel 1895 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of the entomological Society of southern Africa 31: 213-220.



Dendrothrips albus Bhatti, 1967

Dendrothrips amamiensis Masumoto & Okajima, 2003

Dendrothrips anneckei Faure, 1964

Dendrothrips aspersus Bhatti, 1971


Dendrothrips becii Faure, 1960


Dendrothrips cameroni Priesner, 1965

Dendrothrips capensis zur Strassen, 1968

Dendrothrips cibarius Ananthakrishnan, 1965


Dendrothrips decoris Bagnall, 1927

Dendrothrips degeeri Uzel, 1895

Dendrothrips diaspora Mound, 1999


Dendrothrips eastopi Pitkin & Palmer, 1975

Dendrothrips elixae Bhatti, 1971

Dendrothrips eremicola Priesner, 1965


Dendrothrips fasciatus Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips faurei Bhatti, 1971


† Dendrothrips giecewiczi Schliephake, 2001

Dendrothrips glynn Mound, 1999

Dendrothrips guttatus Wang, 1993


Dendrothrips homalii Zhang & Tong, 1988

Dendrothrips howei Mound, 1999


Dendrothrips jasminum Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939

Dendrothrips jeanneli Bagnall, 1919

Dendrothrips julatteni Mound & Tree, 2016


Dendrothrips karnyi Priesner, 1921

Dendrothrips kinape Noguchi & Masumoto, 2019


Dendrothrips latimaculatus Nonaka & Okajima, 1991


Dendrothrips magnoliae Kudo, 1984

Dendrothrips maltimaculatus Nonaka & Okajima, 1991

Dendrothrips mendax Bhatti, 1971

Dendrothrips minowai Priesner, 1935

Dendrothrips minutus (Ananthakrishnan, 1961)


Dendrothrips notelaea Mound & Tree, 2016


Dendrothrips oatleyi Faure, 1964

Dendrothrips octosparsus Wang, Mound & Tong, 2019

Dendrothrips oleae Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips ornatus (Jablonowski, 1894)


Dendrothrips phyllireae Bagnall, 1927

Dendrothrips priesneri zur Strassen, 1965

Dendrothrips punctatus zur Strassen, 1968


Dendrothrips reticulatus Bournier, 1997

Dendrothrips rhigozi Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips russoi Priesner, 1933


Dendrothrips saltator Uzel, 1895

Dendrothrips saniishi Yakhontov, 1958

Dendrothrips saudicus Rasool, Mound, Soliman & Aldhafer, 2021

Dendrothrips sensilli Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips sexmaculatus Bagnall, 1916

Dendrothrips stannardi Ananthakrishnan, 1958

Dendrothrips strasseni Bhatti, 1971


Dendrothrips triumfettae Faure, 1964


Dendrothrips utari Kudo, 1984


Dendrothrips varius Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips victoriae Mound & Tree, 2016

Dendrothrips virgulatus Reyes, 1994

Dendrothrips vitex Faure, 1960

Dendrothrips viticola Mound & Tree, 2016


Dendrothrips williamsi Marullo, 2003