Dendrothripoides innoxius
Nomenclatural details
Euthrips innoxius Karny, 1914: 359.
Dendrothripoides ipomoeae Bagnall, 1923: 625. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1978: 10
Tryphactothrips mediosignatus Karny, 1925: 34. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1978: 10
Tryphactothrips mundus Karny, 1926: 190. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1978: 10
Heliothrips ipomeae Bondar, 1930: 18.
Scirtothrips gladiiseta Girault, 1933: 2.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Java (E. innoxius) and Sumatra Indonesia (T. mediosignatus), India (D. ipomoeae, T. mundus), Brazil (H. ipomeae) and Australia (S. gladiiseta). Recorded from Nepal. Widespread in the Oriental and Pacific regions. Apparently lives on Ipomoea sp. leaves.
Karny H (1914) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gallen von Java. Zweite Mitteilung über die javanischen Thysanopterocecidien und deren Bewohner. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie 10: 355–369.
Bagnall RS (1923) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera XIII. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)12: 624–631.
Karny H (1925) Die an Tabak auf Java und Sumatra angetroffenen Blasenfüsser. Bulletin van het deli Proefstation te Medan 23: 1–55.
Karny H (1926) Studies on Indian Thysanoptera. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India Entomology Series 9: 187–239.
Bondar (1930) Insectos damninhos e molestias da batata doce no Brasil. O Campo Rio de Janeiro, 1(no. 9): pp. 17-20.
Girault AA (1933) Some beauties inhabitant not of commercial boudoirs but of nature's bosom, notably new insects. Privately published, Brisbane pp. 1–5.
Shumsher S (1946) Studies on the systematics of Indian Terebrantia. Indian Journal of Entomology 7: 147–188.
Kudo I (1977) The genus Dendrothripoides Bagnall (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Kontyu 45: 495–500.
Bhatti JS (1978) A revision of Karny’s species of Anaphothrips of the Oriental region. Oriental Insects 12(1): 1–27
Mound LA & Marullo R (1996) The Thrips of Central and South America: An Introduction. Memoirs on Entomology, International 6: 1–488.
Type information
Syntypes (D. ipomoeae), Natural History Museum, London and National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.
Holotype female (T. mediosignatus), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, also lectotype female of innoxius.