Cryptothrips nigripes
Nomenclatural details
Phloeothrips nigripes Reuter, 1880: 11.
Cryptothrips lata Uzel, 1895: 230.
Cryptothrips major Bagnall, 1911: 60.
Cryptothrips latus f. breviceps Maltbaek, 1929: 372.
Cryptothrips williamsi Bagnall, 1933: 120.
Cryptothrips nigripes phariacus Titschack, 1965: 147 (replacement name for insularis Titschack, 1964: 51).
Biology and Distribution
Described from Finland, but widespread across northern Europe.
Reuter OM (1880) Thysanoptera Fennica,I, Tubulifera. Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur och Folk 40: 1-26.
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia. pp. 1–472.
Bagnall RS (1911) Descriptions of three new Scandinavian Thysanoptera (Tubulifera). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 47: 60–63.
Bagnall RS (1933) More new and little known British thrips. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 69: 120–123.
Type information
Holotype female (C. major), The Natural History Museum, London.
Holotype male (C. williamsi), The Natural History Museum, London.
Syntypes, (C. phariacus), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.