B J Crespi Thysanoptera publications
Territoriality and fighting in a colonial thrips, Hoplothrips pedicularius, and sexual dimorphism in Thysanoptera. Ecological Entomology 11: 119-130.
Size assessment and alternative fighting tactics in Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Animal Behaviour 34: 1324-1335.
Crespi, B.J. Behavioral Ecology of Mycophagous Thysanoptera. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Crespi, B.J. Fighting behaviour in male tubuliferan thrips. pp. 424-425. In: J. Holman, J. Pelikan, A.F.G. Dixon and L. Weismann (eds.). Population Structure, Genetics and Taxonomy of Aphids and Thysanoptera. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, Netherlands.
Alternative male mating tactics in a thrips: effects of sex ratio variation and body size. American Midland Naturalist 119: 83-92.
Risks and benefits of lethal male fighting in the polygynous, colonial thrips Hoplothrips karnyi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 22: 293-301.
Adaptation, compromise and constraint: the development, morphometrics and behavioral basis of a fighter-flier polymorphism in male Hoplothrips karnyi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 23: 93-104.
Sex ratio selection in a bivoltine thrips I. Conditional sex ratio manipulation and fitness variation. Evolution 42: 1199-1211.
Facultative viviparity in a thrips. Nature 337: 357-358.
A path-analytic model for the measurement of selection on morphology. Evolution 43: 18-28. 8 (Crespi, B.J. and F.L. Bookstein)
Synergism between sib-rearing and female-biased sex ratios. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 24: 155-162. (Frank, S.A. and B.J. Crespi)
Variable selection and size-related mating patterns in natural populations of Elaphrothrips tuberculatus: A path analysis. American Midland Naturalist 122: 142-150.
Causes of assortative mating in arthropods. Animal Behaviour 38: 980-1000.
Sexual selection and assortative mating in subdivided populations of the thrips Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Ethology 3: 265-278.
Subsociality and female reproductive success in a mycophagous thrips: an observational and experimental analysis. Journal of Insect Behavior 3: 61-74.
The measurement of selection on phenotypic interaction systems. American Naturalist 135: 32-47.
Dispersal rates under variable patch density. American Naturalist 135: 48-62. Crespi, B.J. and P.D. Taylor
The evolution of eusociality, pp. 3-44 In: P.W. Sherman, J. Jarvis, and R.D. Alexander (eds.). The Biology of the Naked Mole Rat. Princeton University Press. (Alexander, R.D., K. Noonan, and B.J. Crespi)
Heterozygosity in the haplodiploid Thysanoptera. Evolution 45: 458-464.
Cannibalism and trophic eggs in subsocial and eusocial insects. In: M. Elgar and B.J. Crespi (eds.). Cannibalism: Ecology and Evolution among Diverse Taxa. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
The complex of phlaeothipine thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) in woody stem galls on Casuarina in Australia. Journal of Natural History 26: 395-406. (Mound, L.A. and B.J. Crespi)
Behavioral ecology of Australian gall thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera). Journal of Natural History 26: 769-809.
Eusociality in Australian gall thrips. Nature 359: 724-726.
Sex ratio selection in Thysanoptera. Pp. 214-234, In: D.L. Wrensch and M. Ebbert (Eds.) Evolution and Diversity of Sex Ratio in Insects and Mites. Chapman and Hall.
ESS sex ratios when correlates of relatedness can be assessed. The American Naturalist 143: 297-316. (Taylor, P.D. and B.J. Crespi)
Biosystematics of two new gall-inducing thrips with soldiers (Insecta: Thysanoptera) from Acacia trees in Australia. Journal of Natural History 29: 147-157. (Mound, L.A. and B.J. Crespi)
The definition of eusociality. Behavioral Ecology 6: 109-115. (Crespi, B.J. and D. Yanega)
Three conditions for the evolution of eusociality: are they sufficient? Insectes Sociaux 41: 395-400
Do long branches attract flies? Nature 373: 666. (Carmean, D. and B.J. Crespi)
Comparative analysis of the origins and losses of eusociality: casual mosaics and historical uniqueness. Pp. 253-287, In: Phylogenies and the Comparative Method in Animal Behavior (E. Martins, ed.) Oxford University Press.
The molecular systematics of Thysanoptera. Systematic Entomology 21: 79-87. (Crespi, B.J., D. Carmean, L. Vawter and C. Dohlen)
Gall-inducing Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae) on Acacia phyllodes in Australia: host-plant relations and keys to genera and species. Invertebrate Taxonomy 10:1171-1198. (Mound, L.A., B.J. Crespi, and B. Kranz)
Ecology and evolution of social behaviour among Australian gall thrips and their allies. Pp 166-180, in Choe J & Crespi BJ [eds]
Evolution of Social Behaviour in Insects and Arachnids. Cambridge University Press. [Crespi BJ & Mound LA]
The ecology and evolution of galling thrips and their allies. Annual Review of Entomology 42:51-71. (Crespi, B. J., D. A. Carmean and T. W. Chapman.)
Phylogenetics of social behaviour in Australian gall-forming thrips: evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequence, adult morphology and behaviour, and gall morphology. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 9: 163-180. (Crespi, B.J., Carmean, D.A., Mound,L.A., Worobey, M. & Morris, D.)
Polymorphism and kleptoparasitism in thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from woody galls on Casuarina trees. Australian Journal of Entomology 37: 8-16. [Mound LA, Crespi BJ & Tucker A]
Evolution of ecological and behavioural diversity: Australian Acacia thrips as model organisms. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra & Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra. 328pp [Crespi BJ, Morris DC & Mound LA]