Chirothrips manicatus

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Male and female
Chirothrips manicatus.jpg
Chirothrips manicatus - image by Manfred Ulitzka

Nomenclatural details

Thrips (Chirothrips) manicatus Haliday, 1836: 444.

Thrips longipennis Burmeister, 1838: 413.

Chirothrips antennatus Osborn, 1883: 154.

Chirothrips manicata adusta Uzel, 1895: 81.

Chirothrips fusca Coesfeld, 1898: 474.

Chirothrips similis Bagnall, 1909: 35. Synonym of manicatus (zur Strassen 1959).

Chirothrips manicata Halid., forma aptera Schille, 1912: 4

Chirothrips albicornis Priesner, 1926: 140.

Chirothrips ammophilae Bagnall, 1927: 564. Synonymised by Mound, 1968: 31.

Chirothrips takahashii Moulton, 1928: 289.

Chirothrips microptera Maltbaek, 1929: 373.

Chirothrips brachyptera Maltbaek, 1929: 373.

Chirothrips productus Bagnall, 1932: 184.

Chirothrips ambulans Bagnall, 1932: 185. Synonym of manicatus. (zur Strassen 1959).

Chirothrips laingi Bagnall, 1932: 185. Synonym of manicatus. (zur Strassen 1959).

Chirothrips testacea Hukkinen, 1935: 90.

Chirothrips bagnalli Hood, 1938: 162. Synonym of manicatus. (zur Strassen 1959).

Chirothrips longisetis Priesner, 1949: 170. Synonym of manicatus. (zur Strassen 1959).

Biology and Distribution

Described from England (T. manicatus, C. similis), Germany (T. longipennis, C. longisetis, C. fusca), Finland (C. testacea), Taiwan from Sorghum flowers (C. takahashii), Spain (C. productus, C. bagnalli), Denmark (C. microptera, C. brachyptera), former Czechoslovakia (C. manicata adusta), France (C. laingi, C. ammophilae), Poland (C. aptera, C. ambulans), Iowa USA (C. antennatus) and Hungary (C. albicornis).


Haliday AH (1836) An epitome of the British genera in the Order Thysanoptera with indications of a few of the species. Entomological Magazine 3: 439–451.

Burmeister (1838) Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. [Part 2] xii + pp. 369–858. Enslin, Berlin.

Osborn H (1883) Notes on Thripidae, with descriptions of new species. Canadian Entomologist 15: 151–156.

Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia pp. 1–472.

Coesfeld (1898) Beitrage zur Verbreitung der Thysanopteren. Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen vol 14.

Bagnall RS (1909) A contribution to our knowledge of the British Thysanoptera (Terebrantia), with notes on injurious species . Journal of economic Biology 4: 33–41.

Schille (1912) Materialien zu einer Thysanopteren (Blasenfusse) und Collembolen-Fauna. Galiziens. Entomologische Zeitschrift Frankfurt a M Volume: 25 Pages: (225 229-230 232-233 236-237 240-242 244-246).

Priesner H (1926) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung I-II. Wien: F. Wagner Verlag pp. 1–342.

Bagnall RS (1927) Contributions towards a knowledge of the European Thysanoptera III. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)20: 561–585.

Moulton D (1928) Thysanoptera of Japan: New species, notes, and a list of all known Japanese species. Annotationes zoologicae Japonensis 11: 287–337.

Maltbaek (1929) Tillaeg til Thysanoptera Danica. Danske Frynsevinger. Entomologiske Meddelelser Volume: 16 pp. 369-381.

Bagnall RS (1932) Preliminary descriptions of some new species of Chirothrips (Thysanoptera). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 68: 183–187.

Hukkinen (1935) Verzeichnis der Thysanopteren Finnlands. Annales Entomologici Fennici 1.

Hood JD (1938) On some European species of Chirothrips (Thysanoptera). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 74: 158–164.

Priesner H (1949) Studies on the genus Chirothrips Hal. (Thysanoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Royale entomologique d'Egypte 33: 159–174.

zur Strassen R (1959) Eight synonyms amongst the European species of Chirothrips Haliday, 1836 (Thysanoptera). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 22: 88–107.

Mound LA (1968) A review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysanoptera collections. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 11: 1–181.

Type information

Holotype female (C. takahashii), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

Lectotype female (C. similis), The Natural History Museum, London.

Lectotype female (C. productus), The Natural History Museum, London.

Lectotype female (C. ambulans), The Natural History Museum, London.

Lectotype female (C. laingi), The Natural History Museum, London.

Syntype females (C. ammophilae), The Natural History Museum, London.