Chirothrips hamatus
Nomenclatural details
Chirothrips hamatus Trybom, 1895: 187.
Chirothrips dudae Uzel, 1895: 83.
Chirothrips adusta Hukkinen, 1935: 62.
Chirothrips albicornis Hukkinen, 1935: 62.
Chirothrips aptera Hukkinen, 1935: 89.
Chirothrips aurata Hukkinen, 1935: 90.
Chirothrips testacea Hukkinen, 1935: 90.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Denmark (C. hamatus), former Czechoslovakia (C. dudae) and Finland (C. adusta, C. albicornis, C. aptera, C. aurata, C. testacea).
Trybom F (1895) Iakttagelser om vissaq Bläsfotingars (Physapoders) upträdande I grässens Blomställningar. Entomologisk Tidskrift 16: 157–194.
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia: pp. 1–472.
Hukkinen (1935) Verzeichnis der Thysanopteren Finnlands. Annales Entomologici Fennici 1.
zur Strassen R (1960) Key to and catalogue of the known species of Chirothrips Haliday, 1836 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 23: 144–176.
Type information