Chirothrips atricorpus

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Chirothrips atricorpus Female, head and pronotum [L.A.Mound]
Chirothrips atricorpus Female, mesonotum and metanotum [L A Mound]

Nomenclatural details

Chirtothrips atricorpus Girault, 1927: 1.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Raby Bay, Queensland, Australia.


Girault AA (1927) Thysanoptera Nova Australiensis from Queensland. Privately published, Brisbane. 1 pp.

zur Strassen R (1963) Beschreibung neuer und seltener Chirothrips-Arten (Ins., Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 44: 397–416.

Mound LA & Palmer JM (1972) Grass-flower infesting thrips of the genus Chirothrips Haliday in Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 11: 332–339.

Minaei K & Mound LA (2010) Grass-flower thrips of the genus Chirothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), with a key to species from Iran. Zootaxa 2411: 33–43.

Type information

Holotype female, Queensland Museum, Brisbane.