Chirothrips ah

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Chirothrips ah.jpg

Nomenclatural details

Chirothrips ah Girault, 1929: 1.

Chirothrips hoodi Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941: 80.

Biology and Distribution

Described from South Africa on grass and Hyparrhenia filipendula (C. hoodi) and Australia (C. ah).


Girault AA (1929) New pests from Australia VI. Privately published, Brisbane. pp. 1–4.

Jacot-Guillarmod CF (1941) Studies on South African Thysanoptera - II. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 4: 80–100.

Mound LA & Palmer JM (1972) Grass-flower infesting thrips of the genus Chirothrips Haliday in Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 11: 332–339.

Type information

Holotype female (C. hoodi), Albany Museum.

Holotype female (C. ah), Queensland Museum, Brisbane.