Chirothrips africanus
Nomenclatural details
Chirothrips africanus Priesner, 1932: 46.
Chirothrips aethiops Bagnall, 1932: 184.
Chirothrips ramakrishnai Ananthakrishnan, 1957: 59.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Sudan on Medicago sativa (C. aethiops), Egypt (C. africanus) and Coimbatore, India (C. ramakrishnai). Widespread in warmer parts of the world on various grass species.
Priesner H (1932) Contribution towards a knowledge of the Thysanoptera of Egypt, VII. Bulletin de la Societe Royale entomologique d'Egypte 16: 45–51.
Bagnall RS (1932) Preliminary descriptions of some new species of Chirothrips (Thysanoptera). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 68: 183–187.
Ananthakrishnan TN (1957) Studies on Indian Thysanoptera IV. Zoologischer Anzieger 159: 92–102.
zur Strassen R (1960) Key to and catalogue of the known species of Chirothrips Haliday, 1836 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 23: 144–176.
Mound LA (1968) A review of R.S. Bagnall's Thysanoptera collections. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology 11: 1–181.
Minaei K & Mound LA (2010) Grass-flower thrips of the genus Chirothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), with a key to species from Iran. Zootaxa 2411: 33–43
Type information
Holotype female (C. aethiops), The Natural History Museum, London.
Holotype female (C. ramakrishnai), unknown depositary.