Chalepothrips ardisiae
Nomenclatural details
Chalepothrips ardisiae Priesner, 1968: 191. Neither the genus nor the only species ever placed in it were ever formally described. The combination was published in a key to Liothrips species as "?Chalepothrips ardisiae". The query mark in front of these names is interpreted under the terms of Article 15.1 of the Code of Zoological Nomenclature as "conditional" and both names are thus unavailable. The only other published reference to these names is in a list of Thysanoptera of Indonesia (zur Strassen 1994).
Biology and Distribution
Described from Java, Indonesia on Ardisia javanica.
Priesner H On the genera allied to Liothrips of the Oriental fauna II (Insecta-Thysanoptera). Treubia 27: 175–285.
zur Strassen R (1994) Some reflections on the composition of the thrips fauna (Insecta: Thysanoptera) of Bali (Indonesia) along the biogeographical Bali-Lombok line. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 178: 33-48. b
Type information
Holotype female, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.