JS Bhatti Thysanoptera publications
1. Taeniothrips devii sp.nov. from Hoshiarpur. Research Bulletin (New Series) of the Punjab University 11: 141-145. (AroraGL & JSB )
2. Anascirtothrips arorai novo genus and species, with notes on Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall new to India. Bulletin of Entomology 2: 26-29.
3. A new genus and two new species of Thysanoptera, with notes on other species. Bulletin of Entomology 3: 34-39.
4. Additions to the graminivorous Thysanoptera of India. Bulletin of Entomology 3: 42-47.
5. Hyalopterothrips roonwali, a new thripid from India. Journal of the Zoological Society of India 14 (1962): 176-178.
6. Studies on the Indian species of the genus Aelothrips Hal. Bulletin of Entomology 5: 17-23.
7. A new thrips Margaritothrips flavus from India, with a note on the genus. Bulletin of Systematic Zoology 1: 29-34.
8. Thysanoptera nova Indica. 24 pp. Published by the author, Delhi.
9. New Indian Thysanoptera 1. A new genus and two new species belonging to the tribe Sericothripini. Bulletin of Entomology 8: 59-64.
10. The Tryphactothrips complex in India, with a key to the world genera. Oriental Insects 1 (1967): 139-190.
11. The genus Helionothrips in India. Oriental Insects 2: 35-39.
12. Some synonyms chiefly among Indian Thysanoptera. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 66: 64-69.
13. The taxonomic status of Megalurothrips Bagnall. Oriental Insects 3: 239-244.
14. Taxonomic studies in some Thripini. Oriental Insects 3 (1969): 373-381.
15. A new genus Parsiothrips of the tribe Dendrothripini. Oriental Insects 4: 205-206.
16. Three species of Aeolothrips, including a new one from West Pakistan and western India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India (1964) 62: 217-221.
17. Studies on some aeolothripids. Oriental Insects 5: 83-90.
18. A new Chaetanaphothrips-like genus from South India, with a redefinition of Chaetanaphothrips. Oriental Insects 5: 337-343.
19. Five new species of Dendrothrips Uzel, with a key to the Indian species. Oriental Insects 5: 345-359.
20. On the gall-forming genus Aneurothrips Karny. Oriental Insects 5: 549-556.
21. A study of variation in Euphysothrips minozzii Bagnall. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 107: 149-152.
22. A review of the Indian Species of Caliothrips, with notes on other heliothripines. Oriental Insects 6: 65-73.
23. A review of the genus Ascirtothrips Priesner. Oriental Insects 6: 217-227.
24. Three new species and two new genera of Indian Thripidae, with a record of two species new to India. Oriental Insects 6: 539-551.
25. A review of the genus Projectothrips Moulton (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Oriental Insects 7: 137-157.
26. A preliminary revision of Sericothrips Haliday, sensu lat., and related genera, with a revised concept of the tribe Sericothripini. Oriental Insects 7: 403-449.
27. A revision of the genus Caprithrips Faure. Oriental Insects 7: 475-484.
28. A new species of Haplothrips from wheat in India. Oriental Insects 7: 535-537.
29. A redescription of Haplothrips pellucidus (Anan.). Oriental Insects 7: 451-455. (JSB & Hattar IMS)
29a. Book Review. Thrips: Biology and Control. ix+120 pp., by T.N. Ananthakrishnan. Science Reporter, 11(7): 364, 363. CSIR, New Delhi.
30. The genus Organothrips. Oriental Insects 8: 147-155.
31. A new anaphothripine genus from cane spindles in South India. Oriental Insects 8: 481-485.
32. A new species of Dolicholepta from India. Oriental Insects 8: 551-555. (JSB & Hattar IMS)
33. The genus Merothrips in India. Oriental Insects 9: 29-41. (JSB & Ananthakrishnan TN)
34. A revision of Exothrips Priesner and two related genera. Oriental Insects 9: 43-90.
35. Some new Indian Thripidae. Oriental Insects 10: 317-326.
36. The genus Perissothrips in India. Oriental Insects 11: 567-577.
37. The genus Cricothrips Trybom. Entomologica Scandinavica 9: 7-14.
38. A revision of Karny's species of Anaphothrips of the Oriental region. Oriental Insects 12: 1-27.
39. Revision of Metaxyothrips. Oriental Insects 12: 65-75.
40. Systematics of Anaphothrips Uzel 1895 sensu latu and some related genera. Senckenbergiana biologica 59: 85-114.
41. A preliminary revision of Taeniothrips. Oriental Insects 12: 157-199.
42. Studies in the systematics of Rhamphothrips. Oriental Insects 12: 281-303.
43. Four new species of Thysanoptera of India. Oriental Insects 12: 419-432.
44. A review of Dolichothrips Karny and Dolicholepta Priesner, with descriptions of two new genera. Entomon 3: 221-228.
45. Studies in some Indian Thysanoptera. Entomon 3: 229-238. (JSB & Ananthakrishnan TN)
46. Eryngyothrips n. gen., with three species including a new one from Turkey. Senckenbergiana biologica 59: 389-397.
47. A new genus of Thripidae from West African mosses with two new species. Senckenbergiana biologica 60: 75-84.
48. A revised classification of Thysanoptera (Abstract). Workshop on Advances in Insect Taxonomy in India and the Orient, Manali (H.P), October 9-12, 1979, pp. 46-48. Delhi.
49. A review of Oriental Thripidae (Abstract). Workshop on Advances in Insect Taxonomy in India and the Orient, Manali (H.P.), October 9-12, 1979, p. 81. Delhi.
50. On two Thysanoptera (Insecta) of Nepal. Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck 66: 21-27.
51. Studies in some haplothripine forms. Nouvelle Revue Entomologique 9: 305-311.
52. Species of the genus Thrips from India. Systematic Entomology 5: 109-166.
53. Revision of the genus Caprithrips with descriptions of two new species from India and Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 28: 161-171.
54. Revision of Danothrips, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Natural History 14: 547-558.
55. The genera of grass- and cereal-feeding Thysanoptera related to the genus Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Bulletin of Entomology 21: 1-22 (JSB & Mound LA)
55a. Book review. Thysanoptera, Fransenflügler. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, Part 66, 477 pp., by Schliephake,G. and Klimt,K. Bulletin of Entomology 20 (1979): 174-176.
56. Revision of the Indian species of Stenchaetothrips Bagnall. Oriental Insects 16: 385-417.
57. Revision of Thrips species described by Schmutz. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 84 B: 479-507.
58. A remarkable Bregmatothrips-like new genus from Africa, with a review of Bregmatothrips Hood and Plutonothrips Priesner. Annals of Entomology 2: 83-97.
59. A new species of Holarthrothrips from Iraq, with notes on host plants and key to species, along with clarification of the position of this genus among Thysanoptera. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 1-33.
60. The importance of antennal chaetotaxy in tubuliferan taxonomy, illustrated by Eugynothrips conocephali (Karny). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology): 39-53.
61. A remarkable new genus related with Thrips from North India. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 61-68.
62. The spermatheca as a useful character for species differentiation in Coleothrips Haliday (Insecta: Terebrantia: Aeolothripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 111-116.
63. On the genera Ascirtothrips Priesner and Eremiothrips Priesner (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 117-125.
64. A new species of Anaphothrips Uzel from Indonesia (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 135-142.
65. The orders Terebrantia and Tubulifera of the superorder Thysanoptera (Insecta). A Critical Appraisal. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 1: 167-240.
66. The classification of Thysanoptera into families. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 1-23.
67. Thysanoptera on groundnut crop (Arachis hypogaea) in Delhi. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 59-63. (JSB, SinghTVK & Singh KM)
68. The natural taxon in theory and practice. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 65-98.
69. Family group names in the Order Terebrantia (Insecta). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 185-192.
70. On some genera related to Chirothrips (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 193-200.
71. The genera Ceratothrips and Tenothrips (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 201-204.
72. Catalogue of insects of the Order Terebrantia from the Indian Subregion. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 205-352.
73. Surface patterns of wings in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). New structural features and a new simple technique for microscopic surface scanning of the transparent wing membrane. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 1-95.
74. The Order Tubulifera (Insecta): Its characters and classification into families. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 127-162.
75. Family-group names in the Order Tubulifera of the superorder Thysanoptera (Insecta). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 163-168.
76. A new genus of thripine Thysanoptera-Terebrantia with craspedote terga, from Trinidad. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 173-188. (JSB & Mound LA)
77. List of world genera of the order Tubulifera (Insecta). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 3: 241-271.
78. Annotated bibliography of Prof. Alexandre Bournier’s publications on Thysanoptera and the genera and species described by him. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 19-44.
79. Phylogenetic relationships among Thysanoptera (Insecta) with particular reference to the families of the Order Tubulifera. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 93-130.
80. A new species of Apterygothrips from pine needles in Chandigah, India (Insecta: Tubulifera). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 131-139. (JSB & Mehra U)
81. Surface scanning of the wings in four species of tubulifera (Insecta), along with phylogenetic implications. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 141-160. (JSB & Mehra U)
82. A new genus of Terebrantian Thysanoptera from New Guinea, related to Foliothrips and Cestrothrips (Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 161-176. (JSB & Mound LA)
83. Doonthrips setor, a new genus and species of Thripidae (Insecta: Terebrantia) from Dehradun (India). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 177-192. (JSB, Vijay Veer & Neena Chauhan).
83a. Footnote p. 419, in Zhang Weiqui & Tong Xiaoli. Checklist of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) from China. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 4 (1993): 409-443.
84. Moundothrips, a new genus of Thripidae from Java, Indonesia (Insecta: Terebrantia). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 65-72.
85. Further studies on Taeniothrips sensu lato (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 73-95.
86. Studies on some Phlaeothripidae (Insecta: Tubulifera). Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 97-110.
87. Thysanoptera. in Fauna of Delhi, State Fauna Series 6: 291-324. Zoological Survey of India: Dehra Dun.
88. Light microscopic surface scanning of the wings of Haplothrips clarisetis Priesner (Tubulifera: Phlaeo¬thripidae). Oriental Insects 32: 131–151. (JSB & Mehra U)
89. The European and North American greenhouse pest Leucothrips nigripennis Reuter, the fern thrips (Terebrantia: Thripidae), lives outdoors in India. Oriental Insects 32: 153-175.
90. The new technique of Light Microscopic Surface Scanning (LMSS) for studying the surface of the transparent cuticle of small insects. Oriental Insects 32: 177–184.
91. Discovery of the natural habitat of the aquatic thysanopteran, Organothrips indicus (Terebrantia: Thripidae) in India and North America. Oriental Insects 32: 259-266. (Bhatti JS, Vijay Veer, & Negi BK)
92. Thrips in wetland habitats. Oriental Insects 32: 363-380.
93. The Thrips of Central and South America by L.A. Mound and Rita Marullo. A Review. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 141-146.
94. New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 1. Amalgamation of labro-maxillary complex with cranium and other cephalic structures. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 147-176.
95. New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 2. Thoracic structures. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 177-252.
96. New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 3. The tarsal hamus and thoracic appendages. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 253-284.
97. New structural features in the Order Tubulifera (Insecta). 4. The ovispan and other abdominal structures. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 5: 285-352.
98. The male genitalia of Anaphothrips sudanensis Trybom (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Oriental Insects 33: 243-246.
99. Nomenclatural changes in Trichromothrips, Dorcadothrips and Micothrips (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips 1: 1-5.
100. Notes on Thysanoptera. Thrips 1: 6-9.
101. The African genus Akheta of predatory thrips, with description of a new species from India, (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips 1: 10-14.
102. Enigmatic complete anterior tentorium and tentorial body in adults of the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci (Thripidae), with review of the tentorium in the Order Terebrantia. Thrips 1: 15-30.
103. New characters for identification of the pest species Thrips hawaiiensis and florum (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips 1: 31-53.
104. The north American species Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton and Neohydatothrips gracilipes (Hood) (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Have now established large populations from North to South India. Thrips 1: 54-57.(JSB, Vijay Veer & Anu Dahiya).
105. Yellow dorsally spotted species of Thrips (Terebrantia: Thripidae) in India with description of a new species in flowers of Tabernaemontana (Apocynaceae) and Lantana (Verbenaceae). Thrips 1: 58-65.
106. An unusual new species of Thrips (Terebrantia: Thripidae) with slender proboscis from Korea on Artemisia and other Asteraceae. Thrips 1: 66-75. (JSB & Lee GS)
107. Revision of Trichromothrips and related genera (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Oriental Insects 34: 1-65.
108. Identification of the urothripid Baenothrips asper (Bournier, 1963) (Tubulifera: Urothripidae). Oriental Insects 36: 1–28.
109. Identification of the Oriental Rice Thrips, Stenchaetothrips biformis (Bagnall) (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Pp 664-665 in Subrahmanyam B & Ramamurthy VV (eds) Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5 – 7 November, 2003, New Delhi.[JSB, Vikas Kumar & Tyagi K]
110. The exotic species Neohydatothrips samayunkur (Kudo 1995) (Terebrantia: Sericothripinae) is now discovered from 6 states in India. Pp 666-667 in Subrahmanyam B & Ramamurthy VV (eds) Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5 – 7 November, 2003, New Delhi.[JSB, Varatharajan R, Shimray Chochong Vareichung, Vikas Kumar & Tyagi K]
111. Thysanoptera of Iran. Pp 668-669 in Subrahmanyam B & Ramamurthy VV (eds) Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5 – 7 November, 2003, New Delhi. [JSB, zur Strassen R & Telmadarraiy Z]
112. Eremiothrips farsi, a new species of eremophilous thrips from Iran. Pp 670-671 in Subrahmanyam B & Ramamurthy VV (eds) Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5 – 7 November, 2003, New Delhi. [JSB, & Telmadarraiy Z]
113. Variation and population structure in the common thrips Plicothrips apicalis (Bagnall) living on Cynodon dactylon (Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae). Pp 672-673 in Subrahmanyam B & Ramamurthy VV (eds) Proceedings of the National Symposium on Frontier Areas of Entomological Research, 5 – 7 November, 2003, New Delhi. [JSB, Tyagi K & Kumar V]
114. The genera Tenothrips and Ewartithrips (Terebrantia: Thripidae) and pigmented facets of eye in some Terebrantia. Thysanoptera 2003: 1-10
115. Species of Octothrips Moulton 1940 (Terebrantia: Thripidae) living on ferns in south and southeast Asia, with Apollothrips Wilson 1972 as new synonym. Thysanoptera 2003: 15-24
116. Some newly recognised characters of the Order Tubulifera representing highly conserved character states. Thysanoptera 2003: 41-48
117. Species of Eremiothrips in Iran (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips 2: 49-110 [JSB, Telmadarraiy Z, Vikas Kumar & Tyagi K]
118. T.N.Ananthakrishnan’s entomological publications between 1947 and 2004. Bibliography with annotations. Thysanoptera 2004: 1–84.
119. T.N.Ananthakrishnan’s taxa of Thysanoptera 1950 to 1980. Thysanoptera 2004: 85–181.
120. The classification of Terebrantia (Insecta) into families. Oriental Insects 40: 339-375.
121. A new species of Liothrips (Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae) from Northeastern India. Oriental Insects 40: 377-378.
122. A remarkable new thripid (Terebrantia: Thripidae) from Jak trees (Moraceae) in Bangalore (Karnataka), India. Oriental Insects 40: 379-380.
123. Order Thysanoptera, pp 515-534 in Biodiversity in the Shivalik Ecosystem of Punjab. Publisher, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. [Bhatti JS, Vikas Kumar & Tyagi K]
124. A new genus and species of thrips related to Psilothrips Hood 1927 living on the South American saltbush, Atriplex lampa Gill. Ex Moq. (Chenopodiaceae), in Argentina (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips No. 6: 1-43 [Bhatti JS & de Borbon CM]
125. Thysanoptera in Iran 1938–2007. An Overview. Part 1. Thrips No. 7: 1-82 [Bhatti JS & zur Strassen R)
126. Review of Iranian Literature on Thysanoptera 1938–2007. Thrips No. 7: 84-172 [Bhatti JS, Alavi J, zur Strassen R & Telmadarraiy Z]
127. Thysanoptera in Iran 1938–2007: An Overview. Part 2. Bibliography of Iranian Literature on Thysanoptera. Thrips No. 8: 173-373 [Bhatti JS, Alavi J, zur Strassen R & Telmadarraiy Z]
128. Taxonomic revision of Eremiothrips similis from Iraq (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips No. 9: 1-36
129. Eremiothrips zurstrasseni, new species, from Kzuestan province in Iran (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips No. 10: 1-23.
130. Discovery of Eremiothrips similis in Iran, with a catalogue of species of Eremiothrips in Iran (Insecta: Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips No. 11: 1-18. [Ramezani L, Bhatti JS, Mossadegh MS & Soleimannejadian E]
131. Haplothrips fusca Moulton 1928 / Haplothrips graminis Hood 1912 in Hawaii (Insecta: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae), p. 86–98, figs. 1–4. Chapter 4, In: Tyagi, B. K. and Vijay Veer (editors), Entomology: Ecology & Biodiversity. pp. i–xvii, 1–522. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur (India). [Bhatti JS & Tsuda DM]
132. Taxonomic review of Jironiella Retana & Soto 2007, revalidated from synonymy under Haplothrips, and Jironiella saidi Retana & Soto 2007 restored from Haplothrips (Phlaeothripidae). Indian Journal of Entomology, 82(1): 24-28 [Bhatti JS, Retana-Salazar AP & Soto-Rodríguez GA]