Baliothrips kroli
Nomenclatural details
Thrips kroli Schille, 1911: 7.
Thrips picea Schille, 1914: 126.
Euchaetothrips ingens Priesner, 1921: 119.
Euchaetothrips adusta Maltbaek, 1928: 176.
Euchaetothrips pallens Maltbaek, 1928: 176.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Germany (E. ingens), Denmark (E. adusta, E. pallens), Poland (T. kroli, T. picea)
Schille F (1911) Thysanopterorum genera et species novae. Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficznej (published by Akademia Umiejętności wKrakowie) 45(2): 1-10.
Schille (1914) Microlepidoptera Haliciae. Kosmos Lemberg, 39 1914: pp. 123-186, 399-462, 519-598.
Priesner H (1921) Neue Europäische Thysanopteren. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung 38: 115–122.
Bhatti JS & Mound LA (1981) The genera of grass and cereal-feeding Thysanoptera related to the genus Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Bulletin of Entomology, India 21 (1980): 1–22.
Type information
Holotype female of ingens in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.