Bactrothrips honoris

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Nomenclatural details

Megathrips honoris Bagnall, 1921: 359.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Japan, on dead Quercus sp. leaves.


Bagnall RS (1921) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera XII. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 8: 393–400.

Haga K & Okajima S (1989) A taxonomic study of the genus Bactrothrips Karny (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) from Japan. Bulletin of the Sugadaira Montane Research Centre, University of Tsukuba 10: 1-23.

Okajima S (2006) The Insects of Japan. Volume 2. The suborder Tubulifera (Thysanoptera). Fukuoka: Touka Shobo Co. Ltd. pp. 1–720.

Type information

Holotype male, The Natural History Museum, London.