Anaphothrips euphorbiae
Nomenclatural details
Anaphothrips euphorbiae Uzel, 1895: 146.
Anaphothrips similis Uzel, 1895: 145.
Anaphothrips armata Uzel, 1895: 145.
Anaphothrips adusta Priesner, 1928: 713.
Anaphothrips coloratus Oettingen, 1951: 155.
Biology and Distribution
Described from Czech Republic (A. euphorbiae, A. similis, A. armata), Hungary on Euphorbia esula (A. adusta) and Germany (A. coloratus).
Uzel H (1895) Monographie der Ordnung Thysanoptera. Königratz, Bohemia: pp. 1–472.
Priesner H (1928) Die Thysanopteren Europas. Abteilung IV. Wien: F. Wagner Verlag pp. 569–755.
Oettingen (1951) Die Thysanopterenfauna des Harzes. Beitraege zur Entomologie Berlin Volume: 1 pp. 140-186.
zur Strassen R (2000) Thysanopterologische Notizen (7) (Thysanoptera: Terebrantia). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 44: 25–34.
Type information
Paratype female (A. adusta), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.