Amphibolothrips latus

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Bebelothrips flavicinctus head
Bebelothrips flavicinctus antenna

Nomenclatural details

Bebelothrips latus Buffa, 1909: 196.

Trachythrips flavicinctus Bournier, 1960: 92.

Biology and Distribution

Described from Italy (B. latus) and France (T. flavinctus).


Buffa P (1909) Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Tisanotteri (due nuovi generi di Tubuliferi). Bolletino Zoologia agraria Portici 3: 193-199.

Bournier A (1960) Espèces nouvelles dans la faune thysanoptérologique des litières de feuilles de chêne vert (Quercus ilex L.). Vie et Milieu 11: 88–101.

Mound LA (1972) Species complexes and the generic classification of leaf-litter thrips of the Tribe Urothripini (Phlaeothripidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 20: 83-103.

Mound LA, Lima EFB & O’Donnell CA (2023) What is a genus – interpreting structural diversity among species of urothripine Phlaeothripinae (Thysanoptera). Zootaxa 5319 (1): 091–102. DOI: org/10.11646/zootaxa.5319.1.6

Type information

Holotype (T. flavicinctus), Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.