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Genus information

Mycterothrips Trybom, 1910: 158. Type species Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom, 1910, by monotypy.

Physothrips Karny, 1912: 336. Type species by original designation Thrips ulmifoliorum Haliday, 1836, misidentification of Thrips salicis Reuter, 1879, subsequently designated by Mound & O'Neill, 1969. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1970.

Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips) Priesner, 1922: 68. Type species Thrips (Euthrips) consociata Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887, designated subsequently by Priesner, 1925: 148. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1970.

Pseudoscirtothrips Bournier, 1979: 8. Type species Pseudoscirtothrips imbimbiachetae Bournier, 1979, by monotypy. Synonymised by Bhatti, 1990: 241.

Biology and Distribution

Widely spread in Asia, Europe and America in flowers and leaf litter.


Trybom F (1910) Physapoda, in Schultze, Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungreise im westlichen und zentralen Südafrica (1903-1905). Denksch. Med.-naturw. Ges. Jena 16: 147-174.

Karny H (1912) Revision der von Serville aufgestellten Thysanopteren-Genera. Zoologische Annalen 4: 322-344.

Mound LA & O'Neill K (1969) Physothrips Karny, 1912 (Insecta, Thysanoptera): Proposed designation of a type-species under the plenary powers. N.Z. (S.) 1869. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 26: 51-53.

Bhatti JS (1970) Taxonomic studies in some Thripini. Oriental Insects 3[1969]: 373-381.

Priesner H (1922) Beiträge zur Lebensgeschichte der Thysanopteren. II. Rhopalandrothrips obscurus (Uz.), Taeniothrips salicis (Rt.) und Taeniothrips dianthi Pr. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 131: 67-75.

Priesner H (1925) Katalog der europäischen Thysanoptera. Konowia 4: 141-159.

Bhatti JS (1970) Taxonomic studies on some Thripini. Oriental Insects 3 (1969): 373-381.

Bournier A (1979) Thysanoptères d'Angola, VII. Garcia de Orta, Zoologia 8: 1-10.

Bhatti JS (1990) Catalogue of insects of the Order Terebrantia from the Indian Subregion. Zoology (Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology) 2: 205-352.

Masumoto M & Okajima S (2006) A revision of and key to the world species of Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera, Thripidae). Zootaxa 1261: 1–90.


Mycterothrips acaciae Priesner, 1932

Mycterothrips albidicornis (Knechtel, 1923)

Mycterothrips albus (Moulton, 1911)

Mycterothrips annulicornis (Uzel, 1895)

Mycterothrips araliae (Takahashi, 1936)

Mycterothrips auratus Wang, 1999

Mycterothrips aureus (Moulton, 1946)

Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford JC, 1939)

Mycterothrips caudibrunneus Wang, 1999

Mycterothrips chaetogastra (Ramakrishna, 1934)

Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887)

Mycterothrips desleyae Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips doostii Minaei, Alichi, Fekrat, Aleosfoor & Minaei, 2017

Mycterothrips egonoki Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips fasciatus Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips glycines (Okamoto, 1911)

Mycterothrips grandis Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips gongshanensis Li, Li & Zhang, 2017

Mycterothrips hamedaniensis Mirab-Balou Shi & Chen, 2011

Mycterothrips imbimbiachetae (Bournier, 1979)

Mycterothrips japonicus Masumoto & Okajima, 1998

Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom, 1910

Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall, 1912)

Mycterothrips mahvelatensis Alavi, Modarres Awal, Fekrat & Minaei, 2013

Mycterothrips nainiae Singha, Patidar, Kumar & Tyagi, 2021

Mycterothrips nastarani Alavi, Modarres Awal, Fekrat & Minaei, 2013

Mycterothrips nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan, 1960)

Mycterothrips ricini (Shumsher, 1946)

Mycterothrips saadii Alichi & Minaei, 2019

Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter, 1879)

Mycterothrips sanubari Alavi, Modarres Awal, Fekrat & Minaei, 2013

Mycterothrips setiventris (Bagnall, 1918)

Mycterothrips shihoae Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips tschirkunae (Yakhontov, 1961)

Mycterothrips weii Mirab-Balou Shi & Chen, 2011

Mycterothrips yamagishii Masumoto & Okajima, 2006

Mycterothrips yelangi Li, Li & Zhang, 2017

Mycterothrips zagrosi Minaei, Alichi, Fekrat, Aleosfoor & Alavi, 2017