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Holotype female (''I. kellyanus''), The Natural History Museum, London.
Holotype female (''I. kellyanus''), The Natural History Museum, London.
[[category:Idolothrips species]][[category:Idolothripinae species]]
[[category:Idolothrips species]][[category:Idolothripinae species]][[category:Thysanoptera species extant]]

Revision as of 07:11, 15 October 2015

Idolothrips spectrum_ female courtesy of Denis Crawford, Graphic Science

Nomenclatural details

Idolothrips spectrum Haliday in Walker, 1852: 1097.

Idolothrips marginata Haliday in Walker, 1852: 1097.

Idolothrips lacertina Haliday in Walker, 1852: 1097.

Idolothrips marginatus f. invalida Priesner, 1928: 654.

Idolothrips lacertinus f. infirma Priesner, 1928: 654.

Idolothrips terrigena Girault, 1928: 2.

Idolothrips fasciatipennis Girault, 1930: 1.

Idolothrips kellyanus Bagnall, 1932: 518.

Biology and Distribution

Widely spread across Australia. Breeding on dead Eucalyptus leaves.


Haliday AH (1852) Order III Physapoda. pp. 1094–1118 in Walker F List of the Homopterous insects in the British Museum Part IV. London: British Museum.

Priesner H (1928) Über australische Thysanopteren. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 137: 643–659.

Girault AA (1928) Notice of a curious professor and of native wasps and woodlice. Published privately, Brisbane. pp. 1–4.

Girault AA (1930) New pests from Australia VII. Privately published, Brisbane. pp. 1–3.

Bagnall RS (1932) Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera. XVII. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)10: 505–520.

Mound LA (1974) Spore-feeding Thrips (Phlaeothripidae) from Leaf Litter and Dead Wood in Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 27: 1–106.

Type information

Syntypes (I. invalida, I. infirma), Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.

Syntypes (I. terrigena, I. fasciatipennis), Queensland Museum, Brisbane.

Holotype female (I. kellyanus), The Natural History Museum, London.